The following papers were reviewed by the panelists prior to the meeting for their consideration when reviewing the charge questions.

Hopps H. The biologic bases for using hair and nail analyses for trace elements. Sci Total Environ. 1977; 7:71-89.

Miekeley N, Dias Carneiro MTW, Porto da Silveira CL. How reliable are human hair reference intervals for trace elements? Sci Total Environ. 1998; 218:9-17.

Seidel S, Kreutzer R, Smith D, McNeel S, Gilliss D. Assessment of commercial laboratories performing hair mineral analysis. JAMA. 2001 Jan 3; 285(1):67-72.

Sky-Peck H. Distribution of trace elements in human hair. Clin Physiol Biochem. 1990; 8:70-80.

Steindel S, Howanitz P. The uncertainty of hair analysis for trace metals. JAMA. 2001 Jan 3; 285(1):83-5. Editorial.

Wennig R. Potential problems with the interpretation of hair analysis results. Forensic Sci Int. 2000 Jan 10; 107(1-3):5-12. Review.

Yoshinaga J, Imai H, Nakazawa M, Suzuki T. Lack of significantly positive correlations between elemental concentrations in hair and in organs. Sci Total Environ. 1990; 99:125-35.

The next set of references represents those cited in the main text of this report through direct reference during the meeting or provided after the meeting to support statements made during the meeting.

Anderson RA. 1997. Chromium as an essential nutrient for humans. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 1997; 26:S35-S41.

Anderson RA, Kozlovsky AS. 1985. Chromium intake, absorption, and excretion of sumbects consuming self-selected diets. Am J Clin Nutr. 1985; 41:1177-83.

Bader M, Dietz MC, Ihrig A, Triebeg G. 1999. Biomonitoring of manganese in blood, urine and axillary hair following low-dose exposure during the manufacture of dry cell batteries. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health. 1999; 72:521-27.

CDC. 2001a. Blood and hair mercury levels in young children and women of childbearing age-United States, 1999. MMWR Weekly. 2001 Mar 2; 50(8):140-3.

CDC. 2001b. National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals. NCEH Publication 01-0379. exit atsdr

Chittleborough G. 1980. A chemist's view of the analysis of human hair for trace elements. Sci Total Environ. 1980; 14:53-75.

Curry AS, Pounds CA. 1977. Arsenic in hair. J. For. Sci. Soc. 1977; 17:37-44.

DeFlora S, Wetterhahn RF. 1989. Mechanisms of chromium metabolism and genotoxicity. Life Chem Reports. 1989; 7:169-244.

DiPietro ES, Phillips DL, Paschal DC, Neese JW. 1989. Determination of trace elements in human hair. Reference intervals for 28 elements in nonoccupationally exposed adults in the US and effects of hair treatments. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1989 Oct; 22(1):83-100.

Donaldson RM, Jr., Barreras RF. 1966. Intestinal absorption of trace quantities of chromium. J Lab Clin Med. 1966; 68:484-93.

Harkey MR. 1993. Anatomy and physiology of hair. Forensic Sci Int. 1993 Dec; 63(1-3):9-18.

Harrington, JM et al. 1978. A survey of a population exposed to high concentrations of arsenic in well water in Fairbanks, Alaska. Am. J. Epid. 1978; 108(5):377-85.

Hunter D. 1974. The Diseases of Occupations. 5th Edition. Boston: Little, Brown. 1974

Jankovic SM, Jankovic SV. The control of hair growth. Dermatology Online Journal. 4(1):2. exit atsdr

Kerger BD, Richter RO, Chute SM, Dodge DG, Overman SK, Liang L, Finley BL, Paustenbach DJ. 1996. Refined exposure assessment for ingestion of tapwater contaminated with hexavalent chromium: consideration of exogenous and endogenous reducing agents. Journal of Exposure Anal. and Environ. Epid. 1996; 6(2):163-79.

Leslie ACD, Smith H. 1978. Napolean Bonaparte's exposure to arsenic during 1816. Arch Toxicol. 1978; 41:163-7.

Mertz W. 1969. Chromium occurrence and function in biological systems. Physiol Rev. 1969; 49(2):165-239.

Myers RJ, Hamilton. 1951. Regeneration and rate of growth of hairs in man. Ann NY Acad Sci. 1951; 27(53):562-8.

National Research Council (NRC). 1989. Recommended Dietary Allowances. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences. 1989.

Paschal DC, DiPietro ES, Phillips DL, Gunter EW. 1989. Age dependence of metals in hair in a selected U.S. population. Environ Res. 1989 Feb; 48(1):17-28.

Schroeder HA. 1968. The role of chromium in mammalian nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr. 1968; 21(3):230-44.

Smith H. 1964. The interpretation of the arsenic content in human hair. J. For. Sci. Soc. 1964; 4:192-99.

U.S. EPA. 2001. Integrated Risk Information System. Methyl mercury (last significant revision: 7/21/01). exit atsdr

Van den Berg AJ et al. 1968. Arsenic content of human hair after washing as determined by activation analysis, in DeVoe JR [ed.] Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, Vol. I. Washington, DC: NBS. 1968; pp. 272-82.

World Health Organization (WHO). 1994. Biological Monitoring of Metals. Geneva: WHO. 1994.

See also the bibliography of hair analysis references provided in Appendix D.

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