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DOE Programs Publications About EML Monitoring Networks EML Homepage National Security Testing and Evaluation New York Outreach Standards

Standards Testing and Evaluation

 The multitude of radiation detectors and analytical methods that will be available for homeland security operations will require testing and evaluation to demonstrate that minimum standards are met or that improvement over existing detectors and methods has been achieved. EML will fulfill a Departmental “in-house” technical role by either performing these tests and evaluations directly, or by judging the quality and performance of independent organizations such as commercial firms, national laboratories, and academic institutes that do so.

 Serving as a DHS center of expertise on radiation measurements and environmental assessment, EML will perform unbiased technical review, laboratory testing, and field intercomparisons of sensors, instrument systems, and associated detection methodologies that are used for purposes of interdiction of radiological and nuclear material, hazard evaluation for first responders, and assessments of human health and environmental consequences in the aftermath of events involving the dispersal of radioactive material. To accomplish this, the Laboratory will leverage its broad knowledge and long-standing experience in the areas of radiation physics, radiochemistry, aerosol measurements, modeling, instrument fabrication, survey/testing design, and quality assurance to carry out multi-disciplinary projects that will assess instrumentation and methods relating to homeland security interdiction operations and consequence management planning while also serving to advance the state-of-the-art in these areas.

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