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NYC Urban Dispersion Program (NYC-UDP)

 New techniques and capabilities for predicting urban dispersion on real time scales are emerging. Advanced computer models combined with real-time information on urban meteorology and chemical/biological/radiological exposure levels could provide this capability. What is needed to develop and validate useful computer models is reliable observational data on local meteorological conditions, particularly wind velocity and turbulence effects, and information about the interaction of small-scale air flows (around buildings and city canyons) with large-scale weather. The NYC Urban Dispersion Program (NYC-UDP) is designed for a dense, integrated network of observation stations that provide real-time sensing, communications and modeling capabilities. The proposed program will improve the predictive capabilities in transport and dispersion over urban areas. The modeling activity will incorporate emergency response information to improve the capabilities of human dose/exposure calculations and distributions. The emergency managers and first-responders will have best available information regarding the spatial extent and timing of the dispersion of hazardous agents.

 The high level goal of this program is to provide a new modeling capability as a key tool for use in emergency management for urban environments. This modeling capability will be for atmospheric dispersion of airborne hazardous materials (nuclear, chemical, biological) in dense urban environments. The objectives are to provide new modeling capabilities for deep urban canyons; evaluate, improve and validate both wind and dispersion models; train model end-users in the fundamentals of meteorological model concepts and dispersion of plumes; and plan future research and development (R&D;) efforts needed to provide emergency managers and first-responders the best available information regarding the spatial extent and timing of hazardous conditions to minimize the consequences of terrorist attacks using nuclear, chemical or biological agents.

For more information contact Sam Lee (

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