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Directorate of Management (DM)

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Mission: NGB-DM (Mission Statement) supports the Office of the Chief National Guard Bureau and National Guard Bureau by managing, planning, and directing administrative and support services.

Contact Information

Phone: 703-607-2222
Fax: 703-607-3672


Lieutenant Colonel George W. Asbell, Jr., Director of Management Colonel George W. Asbell, Jr. (Billy)
Director of Management

Colonel Asbell is currently on a STAT tour assigned to the Office of the Chief National Guard Bureau (OCNGB) as the Director of Management. After serving as the Chief of Executive Service for OCNGB he was selected to lead the newly formed Directorate of Management a consolidated organization overseeing the secretariat of the joint staff, protocol, security, transportation, space management, facilities, publications management, OCNGB administration and resource management for NGB. He joined the enlisted ranks of the Air Force in 1977. In 1978 he transferred into the Georgia Air National Guard. In 1985 he received a reserve commission from The Academy of Military Science. His assignments have included the Mission Support Flight Commander at the 133AW in St. Paul, Minnesota, Action Officer/Functional Manager, communications branch, Air National Guard Readiness Center, Detachment Commander of the 265th Combat Communications Squadron in South Portland, Maine. In April of 1991 he returned to Georgia as a traditional guardsman assigned to the 129th Air Control Squadron, Kennesaw, Georgia. While assigned to the 129ACS he participated in numerous counterdrug activities. These included the USAF liaison at the American Embassy in Nassau, Bahamas; Site OIC for a radar deployment at St. Simons, Georgia; co-author of the Gulf States Operation "Rapid Guardian"; Detachment Commander for a Radar site in Colombia, South America; Special Projects Officer for the ANGRC/CD FULCRUM mapping initiative, now known as DMC; and Technical adviser to ANGRC/CD for computers and communications. From June 1993 until July 1995 he was the Air National Guard Liaison Officer to Headquarters US Army Forces Command. He is a 1996 Air Command and Staff College in residence graduate. He has served as the Information Manager for NGB-CDO and NGB-CD. From July 1998 until August 2000 he was the Technical Project Officer developing the CD-GRASS system at Georgia Technical Institute. From August 2000 until October 2002 he served as the Chief of the NGB-CD Special Projects Division.
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