Ecology and Silviculture of the Northern Lake States Forests

Research Mission
Develop and disseminate ecological and silvicultural information for sustainable management of northern Great Lakes forests for multiple resource values.

Research Programs

Develop and evaluate silvicultural systems needed to provide the variety of forest conditions and values that are appropriate for the range of sites and management objectives in the northern Great Lakes region.  This includes developing relevant ecological and biological information (e.g., silvics) needed to prescribe these systems.


Increase our understanding of the immediate and cumulative effects of silvicultural systems for regeneration and culture of mixed and pure stands on the biological, physical, and chemical factors that determine forest health, biodiversity, and sustainability of desired ecosystem attributes.


Brian Palik, Acting Project Leader, contact 

Nancy M. Dudrey, Administrative Manager, contact

John D. Elioff, Forestry Technician, contact

Douglas Kastendick, Forester, contact

Christel C. Kern, Forester, contact

Jacqueline Kuykendall, Computer Specialist, contact

David Lytle, Quantitative Ecologist (Post-doc), contact

Lindsey Moore, Biological Sciences Technician

Don Nagel, Physical Sciences Technician

Elizabeth A. Nauertz, Ecologist

Doris Nelson, Physical Sciences Technician

Julie Rollins, Business Management Asst., contact

Terry F. Strong, Research Forester, contact

Eric Troumbly, Maintenance Mechanic

John C. Zasada, Research Forester, contact

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    Phone: 218-326-7100; FAX: 218-326-7123

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Last modified on Thursday, March 14, 2002
by  Julie Rollins