Helix Systems > New Users > User Guides

Startup Files


When you log in, the operating system creates a login shell for you. This shell looks in your home directory for your .cshrc file and follows the instructions it finds in this file. Next, the shell looks for a file called . login and follows the instructions in it. You can list your startup files using the command dots. The .cshrc file is the startup file most commonly edited by users, and includes instructions on changing default settings.

Some examples of defaults you can set in your .cshrc file:

  • Setting your default printer. Your .csrhc file should say:

    setenv PRINTER applesauce

    to set the printer applesauce as your default printer.

  • Setting the default erase key:

    setenv ERASE bs

  • Setting a print box in which your IBM/370 print output should be placed:

    setenv PRINT_BOX 218




Helix Systems, CIT, NIH
last update: October 14, 2003