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Foreign Services and Benefits for Veterans Living Abroad

Information and assistance is available to U.S. veterans worldwide at American embassies and consulates.

Virtually all monetary benefits (compensation, pension, educational assistance, etc.) are payable regardless of place of residence or nationality.   Reimbursement for medical care for injuries received while on active duty likewise is available for veterans living outside the United States.   The purpose of this web site is to offer U.S. veterans living overseas a place to review VA benefits, offer assistance in obtaining those benefits or follow up services, and to direct you to other services and points of contact.


Button image to Frequently Asked QuestionsButtom image to benefits informationmWhite text on blue button, Medical Resources.Buttom image to filing claims information
Go to the web site containing downloadable forms for various benefits.Buttom image link to points of contactButton image link to information specific to veterans in the PhilippinesBlue button link to Other Resources Abroad VA web page

Disclaimer --We will make every effort to keep this Internet Site current and accurate, but there will surely be times when this site will not be current.   These pages are for general information only, your best source of current information is to contact the managers of the benefits programs, offices, and facilities identified at various locations throughout this web site.

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Comments concerning the technical aspects of this page (links not working, graphics not displaying properly, etc.) may be e-mailed to:   Veterans Services Outreach Staff.    Please do not leave benefits questions in this e-mail box.  You must use the "Contact the VA" link above for that purpose.

Thank you.

This page has been accessed Counter   times since October 14, 2004.

Reviewed/Updated: October 14, 2004.