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Parents DIC Rate Tables

Topics Covered
Choosing a Chart
What is Income for VA Purposes (IVAP)
How to Find the Monthly Rate
Choosing a Chart

There are three Parents DIC Rate Tables, referred to here as Chart 1, Chart 2, and Chart 3. The Charts are different because of the following situations:

Situation If Yes, See If No, See
A. Are both of the veteran's parents still living? Chart 2 or 3,
also answer B
Chart 1
B. Are both of the veteran's parents still married to each other? Chart 3 Chart 2
C. Is the parent remarried? Chart 3 Chart 2
What is Income for VA Purposes (IVAP)

Once on a chart, you will notice that the chart covers an income range. This range varies by Chart. The highest limit is shown at the bottom. Chart 1 refers you to a footnote that explains how to choose the limits that are shown in Chart 2 - $10,226 and Chart 3 - $13, 746. Parents DIC is income based. To deceide if the parents' income is within the limits of Chart 2 - $10,226 or Chart 3 - $13, 746, here are some references:

Link to Regulation Name of Regulation
38 Code of Federal Regulation 3.251 Income of Parents
38 Code of Federal Regulation 3.260 Computation of Income
38 Code of Federal Regulation 3.261 Character of Income; Exclusions and Estates
38 Code of Federal Regulation 3.262 Evaluation of Income
How to Find the Monthly Rate

Each Chart has three column headings. Here is an explanation of how these work to determine your actual monthly rate.

Column Headings
on Each Chart
Descriptions of How They Are used
Income Not Over If your income is not over this amount but is over the amount in the row above, this is the row you should be using.
Monthly Rate This is your beginning monthly rate. You now need to do a calculation for each dollar that your income is over the limit in the prior row. For example:

On Chart 3, if your income was $1,353, you would choose the row Income Not Over $1,400. Your beginning monthly rate is $277. But your income is less than $1,400, so you are entitled to a rate between the prior row's rate of $280 and your beginning rate of $277.

To find this rate see $1 Decrement below.
$1 Decrement The decrement is a decimel that is multiplied to the difference between your monthly income and the income shown on the prior row. Using the example above in Monthly Rate, you would subtract the prior rows limit from your income:


+ 1
Your income
Minus prior row's limit

Times the decrement
Amount of extra monthly income (cents are not counted)

Your beginning monthly rate
Add your extra monthly income
Your new monthly rate

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