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Compensation and Pension Benefits


The best collection of electronic Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is maintained by National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
NARA's main site is here: e-CFR.
    38 CFR for All Department of Veterans Affairs
    38 CFR, Part 3 - Adjudication
    38 CFR, Part 4 - Schedule for Rating Disabilities
    38 CFR, Part 13 - Fiduciary Activities
VA maintains its references in WARMS (Web Automated Reference Material System)

The following link is maintained by GPO (Government Printing Office):
Title 38, U.S.Code
The following link is not maintained by the Government but by Cornell University's Law School:
Title 38, U.S. Code

More links will be added as we enlarge our reference system. In the meantime, all reference materials can be found in WARMS. WARMS has an index of manuals and a search function.

Most of our documents are in Microsoft Word 6.0. If you need a free viewer to read those documents, it is available here.

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Reviewed/Updated: April 18, 2001. Page CAP13.