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Compensation and Pension Benefits Page

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Benefit Information

Veteran Services/Outreach

Rate Tables


Fact Sheets


Federal Benefits for Veterans & Dependents Pamphlet


Ask Benefits Questions Via E-mail

Site Map of Compensation & Pension Benefits

Department of Veterans Affairs Seal

Banner for the topic page for Women Veterans Issues

Women Vietnam Veterans

Children of Women Vietnam Veterans' With Birth Defects
(Public 106-419)

Agent Orange VBA Link

Agent Orange VHA Link

Military Sexual Trauma

Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Fact Sheet

Special Monthly Compensation

Special monthly compensation ratings - See: 38 CFR 3.350

Schedule of ratings -- gynecological conditions and disorders
of the breast - See: 38 CFR 4.116

Fact Sheet forthcoming.

The Center for Women Veterans Link

The Center for Women Veterans

Health Care for Women Veterans

Health Care for Women Veterans

Women Veterans Comprehensive Health Centers

VHA Mammography Office

Other Veterans Benefits

Education Programs


Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Services

Life Insurance Program

    On-line Insurance Policy Information

Loan Guaranty Program


Women in Military Service to America (WIMSA)


Vets Info Guide to Veterans Preference


Women's Bureau

Veterans Guide to Preference

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Reviewed/Updated: March 13, 2003