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Alphabetical Listing of Subjects

Research By Subject - Biosystems and Health

Resources were chosen to support the research needs of NIST scientific and administrative personnel. NIST's areas of research in the field of Health Care include: prosthetics and implants, pharma/therapy, tissue engineering, informatics and information technology, fundamental studies, basic research, biosensors and diagnostics, bioanalytics, infrastructure and environment, imaging, and other. Suggestions for new resources can be emailed to Nancy Allmang.


Electronic Journals/Publications *

An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Archive of life sciences e-journals - PubMed Central
Biosciences e-journals available from the NIST Research Library
BMC Medical Imaging
BMC Structural Biology
Cancer Medicine, 5th ed.
Experimental and Molecular Medicine
Immunobiology, 5th ed.
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


CancerLIT bibliographic database
European Patent Office
HIV Protease Database (HIVdb)
Human Genome Resources
Human Mitochondrial Protein Database (NIST)
Ingenta (Carl Uncover)
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
PDB: The Protein Data Bank (NIST) *
Telemedicine Bibliographic Database
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Patent Database *
U.S. Pharmacopeia


NIH Library Catalog
NIST Research Library Catalog
NLM Catalog


American Medical Informatics Association
Bioengineering Consortium (BECON)
Biophysical Society
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research
National Eye Institute
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute(NHLBI) Research
National Human Genome Research Institute(NHGRI) Research
National Institute of Allergy and InfectiousDiseases (NIAID) Research
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) Research
National Institute of Dental and CraniofacialResearch (NIDCR) Research
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Research
National Institute of Environment HealthSciences (NIEHS) Research
National Institutes of Health Research and Scientific Programs
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Duke University Clinical Informatics Research Projects

Other Web Resources

Biomedical Engineering Resource - Mayo
Center for Biomedical Imaging and Informatics
Health Care at NIST
Medical Biochemistry Page
National Center for Research Resources Directory of Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Resources
NIH News and Press Releases
Public Library of Science
Tissue Engineering

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Last modified: Sep 20, 2004