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Place patent requests using ILLiad

Suggest new resources, email a Librarian or call 301-975-3052


[descriptive link]

Inventors flow chart - small
Patent Flow Chart is from the Inventor's Handbook.

To view an enlarged version, place your mouse over the image and left-click on the mouse button.


Resources were chosen to enhance and support the research needs of NIST scientific and administrative personnel. For assistance, questions, or to suggest additional resources, e-mail a Librarian, or call 301-975-3052.

Patent Databases

NIST patents, licensable technologies, inventions
Search NIST patents and Licenseable Technologies. Provided by the NIST Office of Technology Partnerships.

U. S. Patent and Trademark Office
Full-text and image database

WIPO PCT Full-Text Database
Provides searchable full-text access, in English and French, to published PCT applications. If needed, login as "Guest".

World Patent Applications
Search world patent applications from the European Patent Office. Titles and abstracts are provided in English. Includes drawings.

International Patent Offices

Canadian Intellectual Property Office
European Patent Office
Japan Patent Office
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
UK Patent Office

Patent Flow Chart

Information on preparing a patent application, working with the Patent Office and understanding licensing procedures. The flow chart is contained within the Inventor's Handbook.

To place a patent request:  illstaff@nist.gov

Suggestions for new resources can be emailed to a Librarian or call 301-975-3052


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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Services  •  Information Services Division


Last modified: Sep 20, 2004