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Geologic Hazards


Weather map showing clouds coming in from the Pacific over South West U.S.

Coastal Erosion Along the U.S. West Coast During the 1997-98 El Niño: Expectations and Observations


1998 California Landslide Inventory (events between February 3 and April 30, 1998)

El Niño and its possible influence on landslides this winter!

Map of Major California Landslide Damage Sites
Activity related to recent heavy rainfall (1997-98)

Wildfires, Debris Flows, and El Niño in Southern California

Links to other El Niño Web sites:

San Francisco Bay Area Landslide maps

San Francisco Bay area reconnaissance on February 4, 1998

San Francisco Bay Area landslide location map (preliminary)

NOAA logo

Graphic button to the Weather Channel

U.S. Geological Survey,
a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior
Comments and feedback: Webmaster
URL: : http://landslides.usgs.gov/html_files/elnino/elninols.html
Page last modified/created: 7 October, 2002
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