The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Effects on Sea-Level Heights Near the Mouth of San Francisco Bay

Part of a paper entitled,
"The Role of Climate in Estuarine Variability"

David Peterson, Daniel Cayan, Jeanne DiLeo, Marlene Noble and Michael Dettinger

Summary of another Web site.

  • An ENSO event can cause changes in sea level, but so can winds along the central California coast.
  • During some years, the two phenomena reinforce one another, whereas in other years they oppose one another.
  • The 1983 ENSO event was accompanied by large sea-level height anomalies. Shown here are waves topping the breakwater at Capitola, CA and battering Venetian Courts.

Visit this site to learn more about the ENSO effect on sea-level heights in San Francisco, and how it interrelates with climate and the effects on the salinity of San Francisco Bay.

Waves crashing in Capitola


USGS El Niño Home Page

Maintained by: Laura Zink Torresan
Last modified: 8 August 2002 (lzt)
For more information, please contact the El Niño Web Team