White Sands
Test Facility (WSTF) specializes in the study of oxygen compatibility in space, aircraft, medical,
and industrial applications. We investigate the effects of increased
oxygen concentration on the ignition and burning of materials and
components used in these applications.
When high-pressure oxygen is present in an application, there are fire
hazards that must be assessed and mitigated to ensure personnel and
system safety. Fires have occurred in space applications, such as
in the Mir Space Station fire, as well as in the following environments:
Typically, fire
hazards are associated with the presence of ignition sources and with
materials incompatibility. At WSTF, we perform hazards
analyses to identify potential problems within oxygen systems. We
test materials and components
to determine their suitability for use in oxygen systems. We also
perform postfire failure analyses to identify the cause of a fire and
can recommend design criteria to avoid future problems.
WSTF offers site tours so you can visit our facilities and understand
what we do. We also teach two training courses offered through the
American Society for Testing and Materials. Oxygen Systems: Operation
& Maintenance is a half-day course designed for those who
assemble, operate, and maintain oxygen systems. Fire Hazards in
Oxygen Systems, a two-day course aimed primarily at those who design
systems, was the 1998 Recipient of the Education Award for Excellence
from the American Society of Association Executives.
For additional information contact Joel
(505) 524-5731.
Systems Home
Why Study Oxygen Compatibility?
Materials Testing | Components
NASA-White Sands Test Facility
12600 NASA Road
Las Cruces, NM 88012
Web Accessibility and Policy Notices
Responsible NASA Official: Jim Krupovage
Curator: Judy Corbett
Last Updated:09/23/2002