FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Prior Notice of Imported Foods

August 2004

FDA Industry Systems
Prior Notice Systems Interface (PNSI)

Prior Notice for Food Articles
Additional Capabilities
for PNSI Version 1.4

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Screens, descriptions, and examples are subject to change as enhancements are made to the system. They are not intended to take the place of the written regulations found at: http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~pn/pnfr.html

Table of Contents

Finding Existing Web Entries

  1. Choose Home at the top right of any page to return to the Welcome to the Prior Notice System Interface page (Figure 3).
  2. Choose the Find Existing Web Entry button.
  3. The Find Web Entries page displays (Figure 37). From this page you can find an existing Web Entry, open an existing Web Entry to view or edit, or create a new Web Entry.
    You can find all Web Entries you have created, regardless of status, minus those the system has deleted since the anticipated arrival date is more than 30 days past. This page lists all Web Entries for a transmitter that match the search criteria shown in ascending order by Entry Identifier.
    Figure 37:
    Find an existing Web Entry
  4. In order to find a Web Entry, scroll through the list or use the search function.
  5. Select a Web Entry by choosing Entry Identifier .

New in release 1.2: The search criteria textboxes now allow a search using multiple strings. For example, if you enter "XYZ ABC", the system will search for all items that contain "XYZ" and "ABC" in any order. The search function has the ability to search based on the following criteria:

Canceling a Web Entry New in Version 1.2

To cancel from a Web Entry (View) page (Figure 15b):

  1. Find the Existing Web Entry on the Find Web Entries page (Figure 37).
  2. Choose the Entry Identifier of the Web Entry that you want to cancel to display the Web Entry (View) page.
  3. Choose the Cancel button. New in Version 1.2: You will be reminded that canceling a Web Entry also cancels any associated prior notices and asked to confirm that you want to cancel the Web Entry.
  4. The Web Entry (View) page will be updated with the status of the Web Entry and associated prior notices as "Canceled".

Copying a Web Entry New in Version 1.2

  1. Navigate to the Web Entry you wish to copy. For example, use the Find Web Entries page to access the Web Entry (View) page (Figure 15b) of the Web Entry you with to copy.
  2. Choose the Copy button. It displays on the upper right side of the Web Entry (View) page. The Web Entry (Copy) page displays (Figure 38).
    1. Except if the Entry Type is Mail, Mail (Non-Commercial Sender), or Baggage, enter the Entry Identifier for the new Web Entry or enable the Not Known checkbox. For all other Entry Types other than FTZ, IT, and T&E, only one "Open" Web Entry (i.e., not Completed or Canceled) may have a given Entry Identifier at a time for each Company.
      Note: For Mail, Mail (Noncommercial Sender), and Baggage Entry Types, the system automatically generates a new Entry Number.
    2. If you also wish to copy all associated Prior Notices, enable the Copy Associated Prior Notices checkbox. Doing this will create new Prior Notices in Draft status when the system copies the Web Entry.
    3. Choose the Next button.
    Figure 38:
    The PNSI Web Entry (Copy) page
  3. The Web Entry (View) page displays the new Web Entry and, if you requested it, copies of the associated Prior Notices in Draft Status.
  4. Continue with the normal flow of Creating a Web Entry and Creating and Submitting a Prior Notice by editing the information that should be different.

Finding Existing Prior Notices

  1. Choose Home at the top right of any page to return to the Welcome to the Prior Notice System Interface page (Figure 3).
  2. Choose the Find Existing Prior Notice button.
  3. The Find Prior Notices page displays (Figure 39). From this page you can find an existing Prior Notice, open an existing Prior Notice to view or complete it for submission, or create a new Prior Notice.
    You can find all Prior Notices you have created, regardless of status, minus those the system has deleted since the anticipated arrival date is more than 30 days past. This page lists the Prior Notice Articles for a transmitter that match the search criteria shown in ascending order by Entry Identifier and Article Number.
    Figure 39:
    The Find Prior Notices
  4. In order to find an article, scroll through the list or use the search function.
  5. Select the Web Entry by choosing the Entry Identifier or select the Article by choosing the Article .

New in Version 1.2: The search criteria textboxes now allow a search using multiple strings. For example, if you enter "XYZ ABC", the system will search for all items that contain "XYZ" and "ABC" in any order. The search function has the ability to search based on the following criteria:

Canceling a Prior Notice

You may cancel Prior Notices that are inaccurate or that are for articles that you will not import. Canceling a prior notice changes the status of the Prior Notice from "Draft" or "Submitted" to "Canceled". You may cancel Prior Notices in the Find Prior Notices page, the Web Entry (View) page, or the Prior Notice: Article (View) and Prior Notice Confirmation: Submitted pages.

To cancel from the Find Prior Notices page (Figure 39):

  1. Find the Existing Prior Notice, on the Find Prior Notices page (Figure 39).
  2. Enable the checkbox to the left of the Entry Identifier of each Prior Notice you want to cancel. You can mark more than one checkbox to select multiple prior notices to cancel.
  3. Choose Cancel PN. New in Version 1.2: You will be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel this Prior Notice.
  4. The Find Prior Notices page updates the current display to reflect the changes. If canceled prior notices are displayed, the status will be changed to "Canceled" and the current date/time will be the Status Date.

To cancel from a Web Entry (View) page (Figure 15b):

  1. Find the Existing Web Entry, on the Find Web Entries page (Figure 37).
  2. Choose the Entry Identifier of the Web Entry that contains the Prior Notices you want to cancel.
  3. Enable the checkbox to the left of the Entry Identifier of each Prior Notice you want to cancel. You can mark more than one checkbox to select multiple Prior Notices to cancel.
  4. Choose the Cancel PN button. New in Version 1.2: You will be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel this Prior Notice.
  5. The Web Entry (View) page updates to display "Canceled" as the Status and the current date/time in the Status Date.

To cancel from the Prior Notice: Article (View) and Prior Notice Confirmation: Submitted pages (Figure 34):

  1. Choose the Cancel PN button. New in Version 1.2: You will be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel this Prior Notice.
  2. The Prior Notice: Canceled page displays. The page displays "Canceled" as the Status and the current date/time in the Status Date

Copying a Prior Notice

Use the Copy feature to copy a Prior Notice within a Web Entry. Copying allows you to avoid repetitive data entry for similar Prior Notices. You may also cancel a Prior Notice and then copy it, to correct errors in a Prior Notice you have already submitted.

  1. Navigate to the Prior Notice you wish to copy. For example, if you wish to access a Prior Notice from the Web Entry (View) page (Figure 15b), choose the corresponding Article Number in the Article column.
  2. If the Prior Notice is in Submitted or Canceled status, the Prior Notice Confirmation: Submitted or Prior Notice: Canceled page displays. If the Prior Notice is in Draft status, the Prior Notice: Article (View) page displays.
  3. Choose the Copy button. It displays in the same place on the right side of the title bar on all three pages (e.g. the Prior Notice Confirmation: Submitted page (Figure 34)) . The Prior Notice: Article (Edit) page displays the new Prior Notice with the same information as in the Prior Notice you copied, except that it has the next available Article Number for the Prior Notice within the Web entry. For example, copying a Prior Notice for Article 0001 creates a Prior Notice for Article 0002, if 0002 has not been previously created within the Web Entry.
  4. Continue with the normal flow of Creating and Submitting a Prior Notice by editing the information that should be different.

For more information see:

See also Create New Account Quick Start Guide

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