USDA Forest Service

North Central Research Station


North Central
Research Station
Forestry Sciences

410 MacInnes Drive
Houghton, MI 49931

(906) 482-6303

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

image collage of: Qunicy Mine Hoist, FACE (Free Air C02 Enrichment) site in Rhinelander WI., 
Quake/sifter, Mycorrhizal root tips and mycelium of the mycorrhizal fungus

RWU 4159
Belowground Processes that Sustain Productivity and Ecosystem Function in Northern Forests

Trees contribute massive amounts of organic matter to forest soils in the form of fine root inputs and litterfall. Soils, in turn, supply trees with water and nutrients essential for growth. All of this is mediated by an intricate web of interactions among tree roots and soil organisms. We are studying how forest management and environmental change affect these biological processes. This will help us determine what can be done to increase the productivity and sustainability of our forests. Our research is focused on:

Carbon Science, Global Change Biology, and Soil Organisms

USDA Forest Service - North Central Research Station
Last Modified: March 10, 2004 by Robert Wareham, FSL Houghton

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.