FloodSmart.gov -- An official site of the National Flood Insurance Program
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FEMA employee goes over Hazard Mitigation information with a homeowner. Others await their turn to meet with a representative. FEMA photo.
Insurance Center

You can't lose with flood insurance. No matter what your flood risk level, you're still at risk! Costly damages caused by floods aren't covered by your home insurance policy. Don't gamble with your family's financial security. Contact your insurance agent or company today.

STEP 4: Estimate Your Premium Costs
Our easy-to-use insurance premium charts help you estimate approximately how much your flood insurance premium may cost.

STEP 5: Find an Agent Serving Your Area
Not sure who to call? Enter your address and zip code to find a list of NFIP flood insurance agents serving your area.

Learn more...

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Agent
Frequently Asked Questions: Considering Coverage
Frequently Asked Questions: Policy Costs & Terms
Frequently Asked Questions: Types of Flood Insurance

Real Encounters

In 1995, a levee broke and practically buried the town of Pajaro, CA in mud and silt. Find out how Alfred Ramirez coped with the damages to his family home.

Read Alfred's story

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