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  March 2002

IC International Representatives Meeting

March 12, 2002 





Introductions of new members:  Mr. Howard Lerner, who will represent HRSA; Mr. Baldwin Wong, new representative from NIDCD; and Ms. Eva Sereghy, who participated from NICHD on behalf of Dr. Yvonne Maddox.  Dr. Melinda Moore, Deputy Director of the Office of Global Health Affairs, Office of the Secretary, also joined the meeting.

Dr. William Steiger, Special Assistant to the Secretary and Director of the Office of Global Health Affairs, DHHS, made a presentation on the Secretary's international priorities for FY 2002. 

  • The Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Dr. Steiger referred to the new Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria as the most high profile international activity Secretary Thompson will be involved in for the next year.  NIH, and in particular NIAID and FIC on behalf of NIH partners, are helping shape the U.S. Government position on how the Global Fund should be structured, governed, and ultimately how it should operate.  As the U.S. representative to the Global Fund Board, the Secretary will rely on the advice and guidance of the HHS agencies, having the required scientific and medical knowledge.  Dr. Steiger noted that NIH's technical expertise will be particularly important as proposals, which will request funding at a level of $500,000 to several million dollars, are reviewed.  The Fund has approximately $700 million available for the first year and, hopefully, these funds will be replenished in the years to come.  He indicated that NIH will also be called upon to provide advice for monitoring and evaluating the program and he thanked FIC and the ICs for the high quality of the input to the process thus far, at times with extremely short turnaround times.

  • Global Tobacco Control and the Framework Convention

The Secretary is very concerned about tobacco use domestically and globally and sees the Framework Convention as one weapon in the U.S. arsenal of promoting tobacco control around the world.  The Secretary advocates working through bilateral programs to help strengthen the research base and capacity in developing countries on tobacco control and to help introduce prevention issues, including model legislation and developing tobacco control programs worldwide.  Dr. Steiger emphasized that as the process moves forward, NIH will be asked for input and to help publicize the tobacco research it is supporting and to demonstrate that the multifaceted strategy of HHS in addressing this issue.

  • Children’s Issues

Dr. Steiger noted that last year many of the ICs provided policy guidance and current information on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment guidelines, sometimes on very short notice, for the ongoing negotiations of the UN General Assembly Special Sessions on HIV/AIDS.  The Secretary and Secretary Powell held a series of successful meetings with their counterparts and presidents from a number of developing countries and major partners in the North on collaboration in HIV/AIDS.  By all measures, the meeting last June was a great success.  Another UN Special Session will be held in May.  This will be an opportunity for HHS to showcase what we are doing for children and to highlight the import of research for children's health as a priority.  Dr. Steiger indicated that NIH will be asked for input on the negotiating points for the U.S. positions to be taken at the Summit.  Secretary Thompson will lead the U.S. delegation.

  • Bilateral Relationships

Dr. Steiger indicated that DHHS will work to enhance bilateral relations with several countries.  The Secretary has invited the Russian Minister of Health to Washington in late July/early August for discussions under the auspices of the U.S.-Russia Health Committee.  Timing for that meeting could coincide with the annual meeting of the American International Health Alliance, a partnership between HRSA and USAID to link U.S. and Russian hospitals for training and information exchange.  NIH's input in the areas of HIV/AIDS, mental health, substance abuse, and non-communicable diseases, including diabetes and cancer, will be sought.

Another major bilateral relationship the Secretary would like to continue to promote is with South Africa.  The U.S.- South Africa Health Committee and opportunities with SADEC are being explored as means to bolster our joint activities on health.  Dr. Steiger also mentioned that during his visit to South Africa last fall in preparation of the Secretary’s visit, he had the opportunity to visit some of the field sites of the NIAAA-funded studies on fetal alcohol syndrome in the Western Cape.  He noted how enormously impressed he was with the quality of the collaboration and the importance of work there.  He indicated that he hoped that the Secretary could visit the sites during his upcoming trip to Africa.

The Secretary will also continue to place a priority on the HHS relationship with China.  Dr. Steiger has asked Amar Bhat to put together, with the help and counsel from NIH and other HHS agencies, a strategic plan on how HHS can strengthen this relationship, which involves many ongoing collaborations between U.S. and Chinese scientists and institutions in a range of health fields such as HIV/AIDS, safety of the blood supply, cancer and environmental health.

With the President’s emphasis on U.S.-Mexico relations, the Secretary has instructed his staff to explore new avenues to enhance bilateral collaborations, building on the Bi-National Commission and Border Health Commission discussions.  Dr. Steiger thanked FIC and the IC reps for their help in fostering these relationships and encouraged them to suggest how research can be advanced under the umbrella of any of these cooperative relationships.

Finally, Dr. Steiger gave an overview of the Secretary’s travel during the coming year.  He invited comments, in conjunction with FIC, on how each of these trips can be used to advance the NIH research agenda. 

  April 1-6 - Africa

Visits to Mozambique, South Africa, Botswana, and Cote d’Ivoire.  (Dr. Steiger thanked the group for excellent input in the preparation for this trip.)

  April 20 - Caribbean Islands, Guyana

Summit on HIV/AIDS (Dr. Steiger thanked the group for excellent input.)

May 5 – Geneva, Switzerland

WHO World Health Assembly - agenda items: health promotion, healthy life style, and exercise.

July 7-12 - Barcelona, Spain

International AIDS Conference

Planned: Fall – India, Pakistan and Afghanistan



Dr. Hrynkow noted that FIC would send informational letters to US ambassadors in key countries to further raise awareness of NIH-supported activities in their countries.  FIC sent the draft letters to the IC Representatives for their comments and suggestions.  This will be a pilot effort, but it is expected to raise awareness in U.S. embassies of key NIH-supported projects abroad and strengthen dialogue between embassies and NIH.

Dr. Lois Cohen, NIDCR, recognized FIC Jim Lavery's leadership and contribution to the success of the recent symposium on Bioethics held in San Diego.

Dr. Chris Schonwalder, NIEHS, reported that the South African Society of Toxicology, founded last year with assistance from NIEHS, will have its first annual meeting in May.  Mr. Gray Handley, the new DHHS Health Attaché for the South African region, will attend the event to introduce himself and to offer his assistance for developing collaborative research programs in environmental health. 


Present:  Dr. Sharon Hrynkow, Chairperson of the IC International Representatives Committee and FIC Deputy Director; Dr. Gerald Keusch, FIC Director; Ms. Chris Keenan, Executive Secretary, FIC; Dr. Christopher Schonwalder, NIEHS; Dr. John Norvell, NIGMS; Dr. Jerry Robinson, NCRR; Ms. Eva Sereghy, NICHD; Mr. John Whitaker, NEI; Ms. Helen Wegman, NHLBI; Ms. Patricia Turner, NINDS; Ms. Linda Cook, NINR; Dr. Elliot Siegel and Ms. Julia Royal, NLM; Dr. Joana Rosario, NCCAM; Dr. Juan Ramos, NIMH; Mr. Baldwin Wong, NIDCD; Dr. Karl Western NIAID; Dr. Federico Welsch, NCI; Dr. Lois Cohen, NIDCR; Ms. Marta Campbell, NIA; Dr. Heather Miller, OER; Ms. Linda Reck, OAR.

Also participating:  Dr. Melinda Moore, OGHA; Dr. Howard Lerner, HRSA; Dr. Mary Frances Picciano, ODS; Ms. Linda Vogel, OHRP, Dr. Donna Mayo, Dr. Grayson Norquist, and Dr. David Lozovsky, NIMH; Dr. Martin Alilio, Mr. Kevin Bialy, Dr. Ken Bridbord, Mr. Bruce Butrum, Dr. Karen Hofman, Dr. Allen Holt, Dr. Jim Lavery, Ms. Judy Levin, Mr. Michael McDowell, Dr. Mark Miller, Dr. Kathy Michels, Ms. Maria Naldo-Fontelo, Mr. Mark Pineda, Dr. Aron Primack, Dr. Josh Rosenthal, Dr. Luis Salicrup, and Ms. Natalie Tomitch of FIC.