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With the passage of the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002, there is no longer a statutory provision to allow for agencies to waive mandatory Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). The waiver provision had been included in the Computer Security Act of 1987; however, FISMA supercedes that Act. Therefore, the references to the "waiver process" contained in many of the FIPS listed below are no longer operative.

Note, however, that not all FIPS are mandatory; consult the applicability section of each FIPS for details. FIPS do not apply to national security systems (as defined in FISMA).


Listed below are NIST FIPS and associated documents having to do with Computer Security.  Some of these FIPS are not available online, which can be ordered from the link provided below:


There are non-security FIPS available.

Key to different File formats / Extensions and program to use to view documents:
    .pdf  can be viewed by using Adobe Acrobat Reader
    .wp can be viewed by using WordPerfect
    .doc can be viewed by using Microsoft Word
    .ps can be viewed by using Ghostscript or some other postscript program
    .htm(l) are webpages and can be viewed by using a Web browser (such as Netscape or Microsoft Explorer)
    .txt are ASCII text files and can be viewed by using a number of different applications such as a Web browser, a word processor, or Notepad/Wordpad.
FIPS 31 June 1974, Guidelines for Automatic Data Processing Physical Security and Risk Management 
NOTE:  The layout of the electronic version FIPS 31 is not an exact photocopy of the regular original hard-copy.  All text and images are the same in the electronic version as the original hard-copy.  The electronic version takes up more pages.  If you want the original layout of this FIP PUB 31 go to this page to get the information to order a copy.
2 different file formats:
pdf file (1.11 MB)
zipped pdf file (1,02 MB)
FIPS 46-3  October 1999, Data Encryption Standard (DES); specifies the use of Triple DES
pdf file  (178 KB)
FIPS 48 April 1977, Guidelines on Evaluation of Techniques for Automated Personal Identification
No electronic version available.
FIPS 73 June 1980, Guidelines for Security of Computer Applications
pdf file  (350 KB)
FIPS 74 April 1981, Guidelines for Implementing and Using the NBS Data Encryption Standard Part 1 of 3
Word Perfect file  (63.2 KB)
April 1981, Guidelines for Implementing and Using the NBS Data Encryption Standard Part 2 of 3
Word Perfect file  (884 KB)
April 1981, Guidelines for Implementing and Using the NBS Data Encryption Standard Part 3 of 3
Word Perfect file  (546 KB)
FIPS 81 December 1980, DES Modes of Operation (includes Change Notice 1)
Change Notice 2 [PDF] 1996 May 31
Change Notice 3 [PDF]
FIPS 83 September 1980, Guideline on User Authentication Techniques for Computer Network Access Control
No electronic version available.
FIPS 87 March 1981, Guidelines for ADP Contingency Planning
pdf file  (376 KB)
FIPS 102 September 1983, Guidelines for Computer Security Certification and Accreditation
7 parts:
pdf file  (803 KB)
pdf file  (784 KB)
pdf file  (631 KB)
pdf file  (967 KB)
pdf file  (832 KB)
pdf file  (489 KB)
pdf file  (721 KB)
FIPS 112 May 1985, Password Usage (part 1)
3 file formats:
pdf file (70.4 KB)
Postscript file  (276 KB)
Word Perfect file  (98.5 KB)
Password Usage (part 2)
3 file formats:
pdf file (66.3 KB)
Postscript file  (791 KB)
Word Perfect file  (96 KB)
FIPS 113 May 1985, Computer Data Authentication
No electronic version available.
FIPS 140-1 Jan. 1994, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules
2 file formats:
pdf file (283 KB)
html Web page  (136 KB)
FIPS 140-2 June 2001, Security requirements for Cryptographic Modules
pdf file (1.39 MB)
Zipped pdf file (810 KB)
Annex A: Approved Security Functions [PDF]
Annex B: Approved Protection Profiles [PDF]
Annex C: Approved Random Number Generators [PDF]
Annex D: Approved Key Establishment Techniques [PDF]
FIPS 171 April 1992, Key Management Using ANSI X9.17
Text file  (74.9 KB)
FIPS 180-2 August 2002, Secure Hash Standard (SHS)
February 2004 -- A change notice for FIPS 180-2 has been attached that specifies SHA-224 and discusses truncation of the hash function output in order to provide interoperability.
August 2004 -- NIST Brief Comments on Recent Cryptanalytic Attacks on Secure Hashing Functions and the Continued Security Provided by SHA-1
1 file format:
pdf file  (237 KB)
FIPS 181 October 1993, Automated Password Generator
Text file  (20.5 KB)
FIPS 185 February 1994, Escrowed Encryption Standard
Text file  (18.7 KB)
FIPS 186-2 January 2000, Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
October 2001 -- A change notice for FIPS 186-2, Digital Signature Standard (DSS) (.pdf file), has been made available that addresses key sizes and random number generation. This change notice replaces the item that was posted on August 3, 2001, Recommendations Regarding Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 186-2, Digital Signature Standard (DSS). Comments and questions for this recommendation are requested and may be addressed to FIPS186@nist.gov.
1 file format:
pdf file (312 KB)
FIPS 188 September 1994, Standard Security Labels for Information Transfer
4 file formats:
Html webpage (63 KB)
pdf file (86.4 KB)
Postscript file  (325 KB)
Text file  (53.1 KB)
FIPS 190 September 1994, Guideline for the Use of Advanced Authentication Technology Alternatives
Text file (161 KB)
FIPS 191 November 1994, Guideline for The Analysis of Local Area Network Security
pdf file  (143 KB)
FIPS 196 February 1997, Entity Authentication Using Public Key Cryptography
2 file formats:
Postscript file  (369 KB)
pdf file  (159 KB)
FIPS 197

November 2001, Advanced Encryption Standard
      Federal Agencies should also see OMB guidance.

2 file formats:
pdf file  (272 KB)
Postscript file (1.96 MB)
FIPS 198

March 2002, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)

pdf file  (173 KB)
This document file was updated on April 8, 2002.
FIPS 199

February 2004, Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems

pdf file  (60 KB)

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(Click link to see a complete list of ALL withdrawn NIST FIPS PUBS)
FIPS 39 published Feb. 1976, Glossary for Computer Systems Security,
withdrawn Apr. 1993.
FIPS 41 published May 1975, Computer Security Guidelines for Implementing the Privacy Act of 1974,
withdrawn Nov. 1998
FIPS 65 published August 1975, Guidelines for Automatic Data Processing Risk Analysis,
withdrawn Aug. 1995.
FIPS 88 published August 1981, Guideline on Integrity Assurance and Control in Database Administration,
withdrawn Jul. 1997.
FIPS 94 published Sept. 1983, Guideline on Electrical Power for ADP Installations, withdrawn Jul. 1997.
FIPS 101 published June 1983, Guidelines for Life Cycle Validation, Verification, and Testing of Computer Software,
withdrawn Feb. 2000.
FIPS 139 published August 1983, Interoperability and Security Requirements for Use of the Data Encryption Standard in the Physical Layer of Data Communications,
withdrawn Feb. 2000.
FIPS 141 published April 1985, Interoperability and Security Requirements for Use of the Data Encryption Standard with CCITT Group 3 Facsimile Equipment,
withdrawn Feb. 2000.

If you have any questions or need more information regarding any of these FIPS, contact Liz Lennon by e-mail: elizabeth.lennon@nist.gov (click e-mail address) or call by phone 301-975-2832.


Last updated: August 27, 2004
Page created: February 23, 2001

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