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Judge advocate general steps down amid investigation

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by Tech. Sgt. David A. Jablonski
Air Force Print News

9/30/2004 - WASHINGTON -- The Air Force’s top lawyer was granted a request to be relieved from his duties until an inspector general investigation about certain activities is resolved.

On Sept. 22, Secretary of the Air Force Dr. James G. Roche and the Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Jumper approved a request by Air Force Judge Advocate General Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Fiscus to be temporarily relieved from his duties pending resolution of the ongoing Air Force inspector general investigation.

“The Air Force inspector general’s office is working diligently to complete the investigation,” said Air Force spokesman Col. Dewey Ford.

“A thorough investigation will be conducted, reviewed for legal sufficiency, and then forwarded to the Air Force secretary and chief of staff for appropriate action. In the interim, no details of the ongoing investigation will be disclosed to avoid compromising the investigation,” Colonel Ford said.

During the absence of General Fiscus, the deputy judge advocate general, Maj. Gen. Jack L. Rives, will perform the duties of the judge advocate general.

“The inspector general is working to complete the investigation as quickly and thoroughly as possible, while respecting the rights of the parties involved,” General Rives said.

“One of our great strengths as a corps is our commitment to do the right thing,” General Rives said. “The right thing to do now is to give time-tested and fair processes an opportunity to work a resolution.”

While the investigation continues, General Fiscus will perform duties as assigned by the Air Force chief of staff.

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