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Transcript: Powell Says Cease-fires Will Not Solve Middle East Crisis

Following is a transcript of Secretary Powell and Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri:

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesman (Damascus)

April 15, 2002


The Grand Serail Beirut, Lebanon

PRIME MINISTER HARIRI: I welcome Mr. Secretary here, and we had a very fruitful discussion. We went through all the problems we are facing in the region as well as in Lebanon in particular. We have expressed our opinion that the country needs a political solution, a comprehensive political solution, a peaceful comprehensive political solution.

The Secretary was very clear about the commitment of the United States and the President to peace throughout the discussion, but I want to say that we appreciate the visit of the Secretary to Lebanon and we appreciate the efforts made by the United States and by the President in particular. We appreciate that the United States will make all efforts to assure peace in the region. But I want to say publicly that what happened in the recent weeks in the West Bank creates a sort of feeling among the Arab world, among the people in the Arab world, and among the leaders of the Arab world, and this is why we need a strong effort from the United States and a strong commitment from President Bush and the Secretary.

We believe strongly that security is important, very important, but it is not the replacement for the peaceful agreement. And we think, with the experience we had here in Lebanon, that since we are without a political solution, it will not take off. We have made here in Lebanon, as I told Mr. Secretary, one thousand two hundred cease-fires during the war in Lebanon. None of them has worked. The one which worked is the one after Ta'if Agreement, when we reached a political solution among ourselves. So the political solution will bring the stability and the peace and the security.

Thank you.

SECRETARY POWELL: Thank you very much, Mr. Prime Minister. I hope you have a successful trip to the United States. I know that President Bush is looking forward to receiving you and to exchanging views with you. I know that he will say to you that he is committed to finding a political solution to bring peace to this region and that is why he sent me here to talk about ending terror and violence, but with the clear understanding that it in itself will not be enough. Just as you said, all the cease-fires in the world will not solve the problem until there is a political solution, and that is our commitment and we will devote all our energies to it.

I want to take this opportunity, Mr. Prime Minister, to thank you for the support that you in the government have provided to the United States since the events of last September, those tragic events, and I also want to tell you that we are with you in every way that we can be in supporting your efforts to strengthen your economy and restructure your economy. I know that you'll have very productive talks in Washington with my fellow cabinet officers.

Thank you very much.