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Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience

Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)


Kenneth Whang, Program Director


Letter of Intent : December 01, 2004
Full Proposal : January 05, 2005

NOTE: All program proposal due dates that fall on a weekend are due the following working day by 5:00PM your local time


The most exciting and difficult challenge facing neuroscientists is to understand the functions of complex neurobiological systems. Computational neuroscience provides a theoretical foundation and set of technological approaches that may enhance our understanding of nervous system function by providing analytical and modeling tools that describe, traverse and integrate different levels of organization, spanning vast temporal and spatial scales and levels of abstraction. Computational approaches are needed in the study of neuroscience as the requirement for comprehensive analysis and interpretation of complex data sets becomes increasingly important. Collaborations among computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, theoreticians and experimental neuroscientists, are imperative to advance our understanding of the nervous system and mechanisms underlying brain disorders. Computational understanding of the nervous system may also have a significant impact on the theory and design of engineered systems.

This program solicitation is a continuation of NSF 02-018, released in November 2001.  The overwhelming response to that solicitation brought about this logical follow-up and expansion of the program.  This solicitation shall be in effect for a period of three years.

Participating Directorates of the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) listed on the cover page of this solicitation, plan to support innovative interdisciplinary research in computational neuroscience. Both agencies recognize the need for research that focuses on integrating computational models and methods with neuroscience. This program is designed to encourage new collaborations at this interface.


NSF Document: NSF 04-514


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