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How will the Medicare Endorsed Prescription Drug Discount Card impact States with their own Pharmacy Assistance Programs? Medicare Modernization Act
How does the auto-enrollment work? Medicare Modernization Act
Will auto-enrollment be limited to those eligible for the $600 credit? Medicare Modernization Act
What if an State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) wants to auto-enroll its members in the drug card and to obtain the additional $600 for Medicare Modernization Act
How does this auto-enrollment for the additional $600 impact the group enrollment process for exclusive card sponsors? Medicare Modernization Act
Can an State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) obtain the additional $600 for its members who are also members of managed care plan that is Medicare Modernization Act
Will the same notice requirements apply to the state auto-enrolled population? Medicare Modernization Act
If a beneficiary is enrolled in a managed care plan that is an exclusive drug card sponsor, and also participates in a State Pharmacy Assist Medicare Modernization Act
If prescription drug or beneficiary co-payment amounts are paid by a State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP), can that cost be counted towa Medicare Modernization Act
What if an individual in a managed care plan that offers an exclusive card declines the enrollment in that sponsor's card, but later decides Medicare Modernization Act
What is the completed application date for State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) auto-enrollments? Medicare Modernization Act
If a member chooses to disenroll from a program in which they were auto-enrolled, do they qualify for a Special Election Period change? Medicare Modernization Act
What information do State Pharmacy Assistance Programs (SPAPs) need to send to drug card sponsors in order to auto-enroll their members? Medicare Modernization Act
What if the State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) does not have the Medicare ID number (or HICN)? Medicare Modernization Act
Will the beneficiary have to complete an enrollment form? If so who will be responsible for retaining that signed form? Medicare Modernization Act
How are states expected to give a beneficiary the option to decline? Medicare Modernization Act
Can a Medicare-approved card sponsor that is working with a State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) tailor its pharmacy network providers t Medicare Modernization Act
How do we know which states can act as an authorized representative for their members? Does CMS have a list of qualifying states? Medicare Modernization Act