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What is TFRS??

The Total Force Retention System (TFRS) is a Lotus Notes workflow application for the creation, processing, tracking and execution of Reenlistment, Extension, and Lateral Move (RELM) requests. It processes requests for the Active and Reserve Components of the Marine Corps. The RELM request is processed and maintained within this system from its creation by the Career Retention Specialist (CRS), to the Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) departments of Manpower Management (MM) and Reserve Affairs (RAM), and then back to the CRS for action. This application includes the archival and storage of completed RELM requests.

More questions?

For questions about the application, or for access to the application, contact a TFRS Functional Manager, DSN 278-0519 or 703 784-0519, (Reserve) or DSN 278-9776 or (703) 784-9776 (Active).

Developed by Enterprise Business System Support (EBSS), MARCORSYSCOM for Manpower & Reserve Affairs (M&RA), HQMC.

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