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Agricultural CD-ROMs

CD-ROMs produced by or with the assistance of the National Agricultural Library.
Software and some content protected by copyright.   Copyright information accompanies CD-ROMs.

Agriculture and Life Sciences: An IDD National Collection. Contains handbooks, extension publications, fact sheets, and other resources from USDA, Extension Specialists, NAL, and others. Includes collection of song birds. Full text, graphics, and sound.

REQUIREMENTS: DOS 3.3 or later, VGA monitor; CD-ROM player with audio needed to access sound, but not text and graphics.
COST: $199.00 (US). $99.00 (US) to non-profit organizations.
Interactive Design & Development, Inc.
Suite 1000
1700 Craft Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 USA
ORDERS: 800-433-9836
PHONE: 540-231-2627
FAX: 540-231-2628

Agronomy Journal (Vol. 1-16) and Agronomy Journal (Vol. 17-22) and Agronomy Journal (Vol. 23-28) and Agronomy Journal (Vol. 29-35). Contains volumes 1- 16 (dated 1907 to 1924) and volumes 17-22 (dated 1925 to 1930) and volumes 23-28 (dated 1931-1936) and volumes 29-35 (dated 1937-1943 ), respectively, of the Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. Includes article-level bibliographic records plus page images. One more disc is planned (for Vols. 36-42). Produced by the National Agricultural Text Digitizing Program (NATDP) , May 1992 and November 1994 and August 1996 and February 1998.

REQUIREMENTS: 80386 computer or faster, 4 MB RAM, MS-Windows 3.1 or later, mouse.
COST: $25.00 (US) each.
American Society of Agronomy
677 South Segoe Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53711 USA
FAX: 608-273-2021

Compact International Agricultural Research Library: Basic Retrospective Set (CIARL-BRS). 17-disc set. Contains research and reference materials from 20 agricultural research centers in 16 countries. Full text and graphics. Produced by the World Bank and CGIAR, August 1993.

REQUIREMENTS: DOS 3.3 or later, 550K free RAM.
COST: $1950.00. Plus shipping and handling.
World Bank Publications
Box 7247-8619
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19170-8619 USA
Phone: 202-473-1155
FAX: 202-676-0581

Compendium of Animal REsources (CARE). Provides quick, easy access to more than 160 documents relating to animal care and use. Developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, primarily for the biomedical research community, veterinarians, animal ca re regulators, etc. (For more details, see "Introducing CARE CD".) Produced by the Animal Welfare Information Center, NAL, October 1996.

REQUIREMENTS: Minimum of 80386 computer or faster, 4 MB RAM, 4 MB disk space, mouse. Runs in DOS, Macintosh, Windows 3.1, or Windows 95 environments.
COST: $35.00 (US) each. Include Stock No. 001-000-04634-9.
Superintendent of Documents
PO Box 371954
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15250-7954
PHONE ORDERS: 202-512-1800
FAX ORDERS: 202-512-2250

Food Irradiation 2: Wholesomeness Collection. Contains 11,000 pages of Office of the Surgeon General research reports, pathology studies, and journal articles from the 1950's and 1960's on the topic of wholesomeness of irradiated food. Consists of page images and bibliographic records. Second disc of a series. Produced by NATDP and NAL's Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC), September 1995.

CD-ROM NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Database, and other resources, are available on the FNIC website at the following URL:

George Washington Carver CD-ROM. A collection of private and professional papers, letters, teaching notes, drawings in Carver's own hand, and even tax returns. Converted from 3 reels of microfilm taken from Tuskegee University's 67-reel set on Dr. Carver. Consists of images plus enhanced bibliographic records. Produced by NATDP, April 1993.

REQUIREMENTS: 80386 computer or faster, 4 MB RAM, MS-Windows 3.0 or 3.1 or later, mouse.
COST: Free. (Send self-addressed mailing label.)
Annette Swann
Information Systems Division, Rm. 013
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Ave.
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351 USA
PHONE: 301-504-6813
FAX: 301-504-7473

Nicoll's Birds of Egypt. Originally published in 1930 as a 2-volume, 700-page book, contains taxonomic descriptions, keys, and geographic and ecological information about Egypt's birds. Full text, page images, and over 40 full-color plates. Produced by NATDP, in cooperation with the Egyptian National Agricultural Library, June 1995.

REQUIREMENTS: 80386 computer or faster, 4 MB RAM, MS-Windows 3.1 or later, mouse.
COST: Free. (Send self-addressed mailing label w/request.)
Annette Swann
Information Systems Division, Rm. 013
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Ave.
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351 USA
PHONE: 301-504-6813
FAX: 301-504-7473

Plant It! - CD. This is a multimedia disc that assists with selection of ornamental plants, and includes landscaping suggestions. Text, graphics, and sound. Produced through a cooperative effort by NAL, University of Florida, and Michigan State University, August 1994.

REQUIREMENTS: 80386 computer or better; DOS 5.0 or later; 4 MB memory; VGA or Super VGA monitor; MS-Windows 3.1 (ONLY!); mouse; CD-ROM player, with audio to access sound.
COST: $80.00 (US).
Dr. Dennis Watson
Bldg. 130, Rm. 203
Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611 USA
Phone: 904-392-7853

Last updated April 25, 2000