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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount St. Helens, Washington
Maps and Graphics, etc.

Text Menu
Cascade Range Maps and Graphics

Map, click to enlarge [Interactive Imagemap,150K,InlineGIF]
Cascade Range Volcanoes
-- Graphic by: Lyn Topinka, 1996

Map, click to enlarge [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Major West Coast Volcanoes - Washington, Oregon, and California

Map, click to enlarge [Map,27K,InlineGIF]
Potentially Active Volcanoes of the Western United States
-- Modified from: Brantley, 1994, Volcanoes of the United States: USGS General Interest Publication

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,70K,InlineGIF]
Cascades Eruptions During the Past 4000 Years

Washington State Maps and Graphics

Map, click to enlarge [Map,6K,InlineGIF]
Major Washington State Volcanoes

Pictogram, click to enlarge ["Pictogram",356K,InlineGIF]
Major Washington State Volcanoes

Map, click to enlarge [Map,18K,InlineGIF]
Washington State and the Columbia River. -- includes major volcanoes

Map, click to enlarge [Map,40K,InlineGIF]
University of Washington's Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
-- Modified from: University of Washington Geophysics Program, 1998, includes seismic station location map and link to PNSN

Map, click to enlarge [Map,30K,InlineGIF]
Oregon and Southern Washington - University of Washington's Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network
-- Modified from: University of Washington Geophysics Program, 1999, includes seismic station location map and link to PNSN

Mount St. Helens Maps and Graphics

Map, Location of Mount St. Helens, click to enlarge [Map,26K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Location
-- Modified from: Costa, 1994, USGS OFR94-313

Interactive Imagemap, click to enlarge [Interactive Imagemap,26K,InlineGIF]
Location of the Cascades Volcano Observatory and the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
-- Lyn Topinka, 1997

Interactive Imagemap, click to enlarge [Interactive Imagemap,47K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens and Vicinity - Points of Interest
-- Lyn Topinka, 1997

Interactive Imagemap, click to enlarge [Interactive Imagemap,29K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
-- Lyn Topinka, 1997

Map, click to enlarge [Map,33K,InlineGIF]
Index to 7.5-minute-USGS-Topographic Quadrangles surrounding Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
-- Modified from: USDA/USFS, 1990

Map, click to enlarge [Map,20K,InlineGIF]
Major Hydrologic Features in the Mount St. Helens Region
-- Basemap from: Crandell and Mullineaux, 1978, USGS Bulletin 1383-C

Map, click to enlarge [Map,221K,GIF]
Mount St. Helens locality showing Spirit, Coldwater, and Castle Lakes
-- Modified from: USDA/USFS, 1990

Schematic, click to enlarge [Schematic,13K,GIF]
Windy Ridge Viewpoint - Looking West
-- Modified from: Doukas, 1990, USGS Bulletin 1859

Annotated NASA Images

Annotated NASA Image, click to enlarge [Image,106K,InlineJPG]
Annotated NASA Image: Looking South at Mount Adams, Mount St. Helens, and the Columbia River, Washington, August 1989.
-- NASA Photo, courtesy NASA Earth From Space; Modified with text by USGS/CVO

Annotated NASA Image, click to enlarge [Image,86K,InlineJPG]
Annotated NASA Image: Mount St. Helens and Vicinity, Washington, September 1992
-- NASA Photo, courtesy NASA Earth From Space; Modified with text by USGS/CVO.

Annotated NASA Image, click to enlarge [Image,99K,InlineJPG]
Annotated NASA Image: Mount St. Helens, Washington, September 1994
-- NASA Photo, courtesy NASA Earth From Space; Modified with text by USGS/CVO

Annotated NASA Image, click to enlarge [Image,168K,InlineJPG]
Annotated NASA Image: Columbia River and Mount St. Helens, Washington, October 1994
-- NASA Photo, courtesy NASA Earth From Space; Modified with text by USGS/CVO

May 18, 1980 Eruption

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,20K,InlineGIF]
Generalized North-South Geologic Cross Sections Through Mount St. Helens
-- Modified from: Doukas, 1990, USGS Bulletin 1859

Pictogram, click to enlarge [Pictogram,100K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens May 18, 1980 Eruption Sequence
-- "Pictogram" by Lyn Topinka, 1998, Modified from: Brantley and Topinka, 1984, Earthquake Information Bulletin v.16, no.2

Map, click to enlarge [Map,21K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens area showing May 18, 1980 devastation
-- Modified from: Tilling, Topinka, and Swanson, 1990

Map, click to enlarge [Map,14K,InlineGIF]
Distribution within the United States of May 18, 1980 ash fallout from Mount St. Helens
-- Modified from: Tilling, Topinka, and Swanson, 1990

Map, click to enlarge [Map,22K,InlineGIF]
May 18, 1980 Ash Plume Path
-- Modified from: Sarna-Wojcicki,, 1981, IN: USGS Professional Paper 1250

Map, click to enlarge [Map,32K,InlineGIF]
Lakes North of Mount St. Helens Affected by the May 18, 1980 Eruption
-- Modified from: Dion and Embrey, 1981, USGS Circular 850-C, and Embrey and Dion, 1988, WRI-87-4263

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,18K,GIF]
Surface-water temperatures of Spirit Lake before (1974) and after (1980) the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens
-- Modified from: Dion and Embrey, 1981, USGS Circular 850-G

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,18K,InlineGIF]
Plot of thickness vs. distance from vent for several tephras from Cascade Range volcanoes.
-- Modified from: Hoblitt,, 1987, USGS Open-File Report 87-297

Schematic, click to enlarge [Schematic,13K,GIF]
Stratigraphic section in Harry Gardner Park. -- L, lithic-rich layer; P, pumice-rich layer.
-- Modified from: Doukas, 1990, USGS Bulletin 1859

Mount St. Helens Lava Dome

Schematic, click to enlarge [Schematic,22K,GIF]
Dome Growth 1980-83 - Ground Profile -- Taken from tracings of photographs from fixed photo station on crater floor, approximately 1 kilometer north of center of dome. Products of each extrusive episode include talus that accumulated during that episode. Scale varies owing to perspective view; true east-west basal diameter of dome in December 1983 was about 830 meters.
-- Modified from: Swanson,, 1987, IN: GSA Special Paper 212

Schematic, click to enlarge [Schematic,10K,GIF]
Dome Growth 1980-86 - Yearly Ground Profile -- Taken from tracings of photographs from fixed photo station on crater floor, approximately 1 kilometer north of center of dome. Includes accumulated talus. Scale varies owing to perspective view. Approximate 1986 east-west basal diameter of dome was about 860 meters.
-- Modified from: Topinka, 1992, IN: USGS Bulletin 1966

Schematic, click to enlarge [Schematic,14K,GIF]
Lobe Development -- Aerial View: Schematic drawings of lobe development in the growth of a lava dome, as traced off aerial photographs of Mount St. Helens Lava Dome, 1980-1981.
-- Modified from: Swanson,, 1987, IN: GSA Special Paper 212

Schematic, click to enlarge [Schematic,12K,GIF]
Emerging New Lobe, August 1982 -- Taken from tracings of photographs from photo station on crater floor, showing 1-day and 2-week intervals.
-- Modified from: Topinka, 1992, IN: USGS Bulletin 1966

Mount St. Helens Volcano Monitoring

Map, click to enlarge [Map,2.14M,PDF]
Hazards Report and Map Menu
Volcanic-Hazard Zonation for Mount St. Helens, Washington, 1995
-- Wolfe and Pierson, 1995, USGS Open-File Report 95-497

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,18K,GIF]
Map showing 1982 Mount St. Helens Monitoring Sites
-- Modified from: E. Iwatsubo, 1996, and Brantley and Topinka, 1984

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,20K,GIF]
Map showing 1995 Mount St. Helens Dome Deformation EDM Lines
-- Modified from: E. Iwatsubo, 1996

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,30K,GIF]
Map showing Mount St. Helens "OuterNet" Flank Deformation Trilateration Lines
-- Modified from: E. Iwatsubo, 1996

Map, click to enlarge [Map,40K,InlineGIF]
University of Washington's Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
-- Modified from: University of Washington Geophysics Program, 1998, includes seismic station location map and link to PNSN

Map, click to enlarge [Map,30K,InlineGIF]
Oregon and Southern Washington - University of Washington's Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network
-- Modified from: University of Washington Geophysics Program, 1999, includes seismic station location map and link to PNSN

Map, click to enlarge [Map,16K,InlineGIF]
University of Washington's Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network - Mount St. Helens Vicinity
-- Modified from: University of Washington Geophysics Program, 1997

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,20K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 2003, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,20K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 2002, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,20K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 2001, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,20K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 2000, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,22K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 1999, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,30K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 1998, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,23K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 1997, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,25K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 1996, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,25K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 1995, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,25K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 1980-1998, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,25K,InlineGIF]
Mount St. Helens Seismicity, 1980-1996, -- showing relationship between time and depth of earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens. "0" depth is referenced to 1.5 km (about 1 mile) below the current summit of Mount St. Helens (8,363 feet above sea level).
-- Modified from: University of Washington's Geophysics Program

Mount St. Helens Hydrologic Monitoring

Map, click to enlarge [Map,InlineGIF]
Location Map, Major Hydrologic Data Collection Sites surrounding Mount St. Helens
-- Current and Historical

Map, click to enlarge [Map,16K,GIF]
Location Map, Castle Lake Piezometers
-- Modified from: Roeloffs, 1994, USGS WRI-94-4075

Table, click to enlarge [Table,14K,GIF]
Summary of drainage basin and channel characteristics, Lewis River system
-- From: Martinson,, 1985, USGS Open-File Report 85-631

Table, click to enlarge [Table,15K,GIF]
Summary of eruptive effects, Lewis River system
-- From: Martinson,, 1985, USGS Open-File Report 85-631

Table, click to enlarge [Table,14K,GIF]
Drainage basin characteristics and volcanic impacts, Toutle River system
-- From: Meyer and Dodge, 1987, USGS Open-File Report 87-549

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,12K,GIF]
Erosion of North Fork Toutle River at Loowit Confluence, 1982 vs. 1990

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,11K,GIF]
Flood of February 1996 - Cowlitz River at Castle Rock
-- stage adjusted to feet above sea level (NAVD88)

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,12K,GIF]
Flood of February 1996 - Toutle River at Tower Road
-- stage in feet above gage (1929NGVD)

Mount St. Helens Eruptive History

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,70K,InlineGIF]
Cascades Eruptions During the Past 4000 Years

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,14K,GIF]
Post-A.D. 1400 segment of eruptive history of Mount St. Helens
-- From: Tilling, 1990

Table, click to enlarge [Table,27K,InlineGIF]
Simplified Eruptive History of Mount St. Helens
-- Modified from: Swanson, 1989, AGU Field Trip Guidebook T106, Original Simplified from: Crandell, 1987

Schematic, click to enlarge [Schematic,25K,GIF]
West-East Geologic Section of gully bank near NE base of Mount St. Helens, south of Windy Ridge
-- Modified from: Doukas, 1990, USGS Bulletin 1859

Schematic, click to enlarge [Schematic,25K,GIF]
Generalized stratigraphic section of outcrop at Muddy River-Pine Creek Fan (near Lahar Viewpoint).
-- Modified from: Doukas, 1990, USGS Bulletin 1859

Graphic, click to enlarge [Graphic,18K,InlineGIF]
Plot of thickness vs. distance from vent for several tephras from Cascade Range volcanoes.
-- Modified from: Hoblitt,, 1987, USGS Open-File Report 87-297


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02/19/04, Lyn Topinka