USDA Forest Service

North Central Research Station


North Central Research Station
1992 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

(651) 649-5000

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Our Research Programs

Our job is to provide credible, peer-reviewed scientific information, data, and analysis. Our responsibility is to present and distribute the information in a manner that can be understood. Our current research focuses on three integrated research programs.


[Three photos: first depicts an aerial view of forest and agricultural land fragmentation; second shows white birch logs stacked in front of a colorful hardwood stand in the autumn, and last has canoeists on the Manistee River on a sunny day with blue skies overhead:] North Central Research Station's Integrated Research Programs focus on Landscape Change, Forest Productivity, and Riparian Zones.

Landscape Change:

Human development is rapidly fragmenting the Midwest and changing the flow of forest goods and services, yet we know little about the drivers and the effects of this change. More Info on Landscape Change

Forest Productivity:

Midwest timber supplies could fall short of future demands unless we find ways to optimize and sustain forest productivity on managed lands. More Forest Productivity Information

Riparian Landscapes:

Clean water, recreation , and other forest resources depend on the health of "lands at the water's edge," yet we have much to learn about the riparian areas that characterize our region. More Riparian Landscape Information


Other Research Programs
Social Sciences in Forestry
Natural Environments for Urban Populations
Central hardwood research
Ecophysiological Processes
Forest Inventory & Analysis
Hardwood tree improvement & regeneration
Landscape Ecology
Northern Ecosystem Processes
Northern Forest Silviculture
Research Experimental Forests
Research Natural Areas

Fish & wildlife
Central hardwood research
Riparian and aquatic ecosystems
Riparian and aquatic ecosystems
Atmosphere-ecosystem interactions
Eastern Area Modeling Consortium
Station research in National Fire Plan 2000
Insects & disease
Forest Diseases
Forest Insects
Climate & weather
Atmosphere-ecosystem interactions


USDA Forest Service - North Central Research Station
Last Modified: Friday, 16 January 2004

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.