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24-Hour Hotline Aircraft Accident Reporting 1-888-464-7427 or 1-888-4MISHAP
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The Office of Aircraft Services (OAS) was established by the Secretary of the Interior on July 1, 1973 to "Raise the safety standards, increase the efficiency, and promote the economical operation of aircraft activities in the Department of the Interior." A component of the Office of the Secretary, OAS is managed by a Director who reports to the Director of Administration. OAS functions, responsibilities and organization are outlined in Departmental Manual 112 DM 12.

OAS is responsible for Department-wide functions related to aircraft services and facilities. Aviation safety is a primary consideration for all actions.

Functions and responsibilities include:

  • Development and implementation of Department-wide aviation safety and aircraft accident prevention programs.
  • Maintain Bureau aviation program oversight to provide quality assurance, measure efficiency and effectiveness, and to assure that standards are in place which enhance personnel safety.
  • Establishment and management of Department-wide aircraft accident/incident and aviation hazard reporting systems.
  • Ownership and management of Department of the Interior (DOI) fleet aircraft. Assigning DOI fleet aircraft and/or OAS personnel to bureaus as requested to support bureau programs.
  • Procuring DOI-owned aircraft, commercial aviation services, and other aviation-related services in support of bureau programs.
  • Assisting bureaus in determining whether aircraft should be Government owned, leased, contracted, or chartered.
  • Coordinating aircraft use in such a manner as to obtain the best utilization of existing equipment, consistent with Department-wide mission requirements.
  • Establishing and maintaining standards governing operational procedures, aircraft maintenance, aircrew qualifications and proficiency, and maintenance personnel qualifications.
  • Developing and implementing an aviation user-training program to meet Department-wide and specific bureau needs.
  • Inspecting and monitoring aircraft operations to assure those standards are being met.
  • Prescribing the procedures for justification, budgeting and management of the financial aspects of aircraft owned and/or operated by the Department.
  • Furnishing technical assistance for specialized aviation problems.
  • In cooperation with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), investigating all aircraft mishaps occurring in Departmental aviation operations and representing the Department on all aircraft accident investigations where DOI has involvement as specified by the OAS Director.
  • Organizing, implementing and chairing a Department-wide airspace committee to assist the bureaus through sharing of airspace information on common concern and seeking solutions to common airspace problems at the Departmental level.
  • Facilitating and participating with the DOI Aviation Board of Directors.

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