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Author Title Subject Full Citation and Annotation [HLAS Subject Term Glossary]

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Note: Word order and capitalization do not matter. Do not use accents or punctuation.

Select HLAS publication year(s) and volume number(s):

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Note: Records for volumes 60 onward are in a preliminary editorial stage.

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Note: Smaller values may miss relevant documents. Larger values may slow response time.

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Author name/s:

  Required: YES NO

Title keyword/s:

  Required: YES NO

Subject keyword/s [HLAS Subject Term Glossary]:

  Required: YES NO   

Annotation and HLAS Chapter Introduction keyword/s:

  Required: YES NO

Note: For an explanation of this field, go to Annotation/Chapter introduction help page.

Search for words exactly as entered.
Search for variants of English-language search words, eg. plurals and derivatives.

Select HLAS publication year/s and volume number/:

Start: End:

Search Volumes 50-62 by HLAS Editor's Name and/or Chapter's Alphanumeric Code
[See the Tables of Contents for Volumes 50-58]:

  Required: YES NO

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Note: Smaller values may miss relevant documents. Larger values may slow response time.

Go to the Expert Search Help Page to find out more information about the expert search page.
The search engine used on the HLAS Online database is currently licensed from Chiliad Publishing, Incorporated.
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Library of Congress
Comments: Ask a Librarian (01/28/04)