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Solutions for Quantitative Problems in Cancer Surveillance and Control

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In Press

Yu B , Tiwari R, Cronin K, Feuer EJ. Cure fraction estimation from the mixture cure models for grouped survival data. Statistics in Medicine. (In Press)


Jemal A , Tiwari R, Murray T , Ghafoor A , Samuels A , Ward E , Feuer EJ, Thun MJ. Cancer Statistics, 2004. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2004;54:8-29.

Tiwari R, Ghosh K , Jemal A , Hachey M , Ward E , Thun MJ, Feuer EJ. A New Method of Predicting U.S. and State-Level Cancer Mortality Counts for the Current Calendar Year. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2004;54:30-40.


Boer R, Ries LA, van Ballegooijen M, Feuer EJ, Legler JM, Habbema JF. Ambiguities In Calculating Cancer Patient Survival: The SEER Experience for Colorectal and Prostate Cancer. Technical Report # 2003-05, Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute 2003 (

MacEachren A, Hardisty F , Dai X , Pickle LW. Supporting visual analysis of federal geospatial statistics. Communications of the ACM 2003;46:63-64.


Clegg L, Feuer EJ, Midthune D, Fay MP, Hankey BF. Impact of reporting delay and reporting error on cancer incidence rates and trends. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002;94(20):1537-45.

Fay MP, Follmann Ds. Designing Monte Carlo implementations of permutation or bootstrap hypothesis tests. American Statistician 2002;56:63-70.

Wang X , Chen JX, Carr DB, Bell S, Pickle LW. Geographic statistics visualization: Web-based linked micromap plots. Computing in Science & Engineering 2002;4:90-94.

Warren J, Brown ML, Fay MP, Schussler N, Potosky AL, Riley GF. Costs of treatment for elderly women with early-stage breast cancer in fee-for-service settings. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2002;20:307-316.


Gamel JW, Weller EA, Wesley MN, Feuer EJ. Parametric cure models of relative and cause-specific survival for grouped survival times. Computer Programs in Biomedicine 2000;61:99-110.

Kim H, Fay MP, Feuer EJ, Midthune D. Permutation test for joinpoint regresssion with application to cancer rates. Statistics in Medicine 2000;19;335-351:(Corr.:2001;20:655).

Klabunde CN, Potosky AL, Legler JM, Warren J. Development of a comorbidity measure using physician claims data. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2000;53:2158-2167.


Etzioni R, Feuer EJ, Sullivan S, Lin DY, Hu C, Ramsey SD. On the use of survival analysis techniques to estimate medical care costs. Journal of Health Economics 1999;18:365-380.

Fay MP. Approximate confidence intervals for rate ratios from directly standardized rates with sparse data. Communications in Statistics:Theory and Methods 1999;28:2141-2160.

Weller EA, Feuer EJ, Frey CM, Wesley MN. Parametric relative survival modelling using generalized linear models with application to Hodgkin Lymphoma. Applied Statistics: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society -Series C 1999;48:79-89.


Cronin K, Legler JM, Etzioni R. Assessing uncertainty in microsimulation modeling with application to cancer screening interventions. Statistics in Medicine 1998;17:2509-2523.

Edwards MJ, Gamel JW, Feuer EJ. Improvement in the prognosis of breast cancer from 1965 to 1984. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1998;16:1030-1035.


Fay MP, Feuer EJ. Confidence intervals for directly standardized rates: A method based on the Gamma distribution. Statistics in Medicine 1997;16:791-801.

Fay MP, Feuer EJ. A semi-parametric estimate of extra-poisson variation for vital rates. Statistics in Medicine 1997;16:2398-2401.

Lin DY, Feuer EJ, Etzioni R, Wax Y. Estimating medical costs from incomplete follow-up data. Biometrics 1997;53:419-434.


Black MM, Zachrau RE, Hankey BF, Feuer EJ. Prognostic significance of in situ carcinoma associated with invasive breast carcinoma. Cancer 1996;78:778-788.

Gamel JW, Meyer JS, Feuer EJ, Miller BA. The impact of stage and histology on the long-term clincial course of 163,808 patients with breast carcinoma. Cancer 1996;77:1459-1464.

Riley GF, Feuer EJ, Lubitz JD. Disenrollment of medicare cancer patients from health maintenance organizations. Medical Care 1996;34:826-836.


Frey CM, Feuer EJ, Timmel MJ. Projection of incidence rates to a larger population using ecologic variables. Statistics in Medicine 1994;13:1755-1770.


Gaynor JJ, Feuer EJ, Tan CC, Wu DH, Straus DJ, Clarkson , Brennan MF, Little CR. On the use of cause-specific failure and conditional failure probabilities: Examples from Clinical Oncology and the Stanford Heart Transplant Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1993;88:400-409.

Johnson KA, Pickle LW. Risk of breast cancer in the Nurses` Health Study: Applying the Gail model. Letter to editor. Journal of the American Medical Association 1993;270:2925-2926.

Wun L, Brown CC. An alternative decision rule for quality control in sequential sampling plans. Communications in Statistics:Theory and Methods 1993;22(7):2033-2042.


Feuer EJ, Hankey BF, Gaynor JJ, Wesley MN, Baker SG, Meyer JS. Graphical representation of survival curves associated with a binary non-reversible time dependent covariate. Statistics in Medicine 1992;11:455-474.

Frey CM, McMillen MM, Cowan CD, Horm JW, Kessler L. Representativeness of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program Data: Recent trends in cancer mortality rates. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1992;84:872-877.


Coughlin SS, Nass CC, Pickle LW, Trock B, Bunin GR. Regression methods for estimating attributable risk in population-based case-control studies: A comparison of additive and multiplicative models. American Journal of Epidemiology 1991;133(3):305-313.

Feuer EJ, Kessler L, Baker SG, Triolo HE, Green DT. The impact of breakthrough clincial trials on survival in population based tumor registries. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1991;44:141-153.

Wun L, Pearl WL. Accessing the statistical characteristics of the mean absolute error of forecasting. Intl J Forecasting 1991;7:335-337.

Wun L. Regression analysis of autocorrelated poisson-distributed data. Communications in Statistics:Theory and Methods 1991;20(10):3083-3091.


Feuer EJ, Kessler L. Test statistic and sample size for a two sample McNemar test. Biometrics 1989;45(3):629-636.

Pickle LW, Johnson K. Estimating the long-term probability of developing breast cancer (Guest editorial). Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1989;81:1854-1855.


Decoufle P, Thomas TL, Pickle LW. Comparison of the proportionate mortality rates and standardized mortality ratio risk measures. American Journal of Epidemiology 1980;111:263-269.

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* Cancer Control Practices and Their Effect on the Cancer Burden
* Cancer Progress Measures
* Solutions for Quantitative Problems in Cancer Surveillance and Control
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* Program Evaluation, Meta-Analysis, and Outcomes Research
* Survey Methodology, Design, and Analysis
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