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Fay MP, Graubard B. Small sample adjustments for Wald-type tests using sandwich estimators. Biometrics 2001;57:1198-1206.


Cronin K, Freedman L, Lieberman R, Weiss H, Beenken S, Kelloff G. Bayesian monitoring of phase II trial in cancer chemoprevention. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1999;52:705-711.

Cronin K, Freedman L, Lieberman R. Reply to the Dissent by Hans C. van Houwelingen. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1999;52:715-716.

Fay MP, Midthune D, Graubard B, Freedman L. Meta Analyses using conditional logistic regression with sandwich estimators. Proceedings of the Biopharmaceutical Section, American Statistical Association 1999.

Fay MP. Comparing several score tests for interval censored data. Statistics in Medicine 1999;18:273-285.

Shih JH, Fay MP. A class of permutation tests for stratified survival data. Biometrics 1999;55:1156-1161.


Cronin K, Weed DL, Connor RJ, Prorok P. Case-control studies of cancer screening: theory and practice. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1998;90(7):498-504.

Fay MP, Graubard B, Freedman L, Midthune D. Conditional logistic regression with sandwich estimators: application to a meta-analysis. Biometrics 1998;54:195-208.

Fay MP, Shih JH. Permutation tests using estimated distribution functions. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1998;93:387-396.

Troendle J, Legler JM. Identifying significant individual outcomes in a multiple outcome setting: stepwise tests or global tests with closed testing. Statistics in Medicine 1998;17(11):1245-60.


Fay MP, Freedman L, Clifford C, Midthune D. Effects of different types and amounts of fat on the development of mammary tumors in rodents: a review. Cancer Research 1997;57:3979-3988.

Fay MP, Freedman L. Meta-Analyses of dietary fats and mammary neoplasms in rodent experiments. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1997;46(2-3):215-223.

Sammel MD, Ryan LM, Legler JM. Latent variable models for mixed discrete and continuous outcomes. J Royal Stat Soc, Series B 1997;59:667-678.

Sammel MD, Ryan LM, Legler JM. Latent variable models for teratogensis using multiple binary outcomes. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1997;92(437):13-20.


Fay MP, Gennings C. Nonparametric two-sample tests for repeated ordinal responses. Statistics in Medicine 1996;15:429-442.

Fay MP. Rank invariant tests for interval censored data under the grouped continuous model. Biometrics 1996;52:811-822.

Legler JM, Lefkopoulou M, Ryan LM. Efficiency and power of tests for multiple binary outcomes. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1996;90(430):680-693.

Tilley BC, Marler J, Geller NL, Lu M, Legler JM, Brott T, Lyden P, Grotta J. Use of a global test for multiple outcomes in stroke trials with application to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke t-PA stroke trial. Stroke 1996;27:2136-2141.


Coughlin SS, Pickle LW, Goodman M, Wilkens LR. The logistic modeling of interobserver agreement. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1992;45:1237-1241.

Coughlin SS, Pickle LW. Sensitivity and specificity-like measures of the validity of a diagnostic test that are corrected for chance agreement. Epidemiology 1992;3:178-181.

Coughlin SS, Trock B, Criqui MH, Pickle LW, Browner D, Tefft MC. The logistic modeling of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of a diagnostic test. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1992;45:1-7.


Pickle LW. Maximum likelihood estimation in the new computing environment. Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics Newsletter 1991;3:6-15.


Pickle LW, McCormick GP. Estimation of the variance matrix for maximum likelihood parameters using quasi-Newton methods. Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics 1988.


Pickle LW, Hartman AM. Indicator foods for vitamin A assessment. Nutrition and Cancer 1985;7:3-23.


Pickle LW, Morris LE, Brown LM. Information available from surrogate respondents in case-control interview studies. American Journal of Epidemiology 1983;118:99-108.


Pickle LW, Mulvihill JJ. An example of sample size determination for family studies. American Journal of Epidemiology 1981;114:299-303.

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