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Briefing: Roma in Russia September 23, 2004
Joint Issue Forum with the House Committee on Armed Services:
Enforcing U.S. Policies Against Trafficking in Persons: How is the U.S. Military Doing?
September 21, 2004
Hearing: Advancing U.S. Interests Through the OSCE September 15, 2004
Briefing: Religious Freedom in the Caucasus July 21, 2004
Hearing: Advancing Democracy in Albania July 20, 2004
Hearing: Uzbekistan: Stifled Democracy, Human Rights in Decline June 24, 2004
Briefing: The War in Chechnya and Russian Civil Society June 17, 2004
Hearing: Government Actions to Combat Anti-Semitism in the OSCE Region June 16, 2004
Hearing: The Middle East: Would the Helsinki Process Apply? June 15, 2004
Briefing: Russia: Are Rights in Retreat? June 7, 2004
Hearing: Human Rights in Putin's Russia May 20, 2004
Briefing: Religious Freedom in Turkmenistan May 11, 2004
Hearing: Northern Ireland Update: Implementation of the Cory Reports and Impact on Good Friday Agreement May 5, 2004
Hearing: Human Rights and Police Reform in Northern Ireland March 16, 2004
Hearing: The Bulgarian Leadership of the OSCE February 26, 2004
Briefing: OSCE's Contribution to European Security February 11, 2004

Briefing: OSCE Police-Related Activities October 27, 2003
Briefing: The Path to Justice in Southeastern Europe October 7, 2003
Briefing: Democracy and Human Rights in the Mediterranean Partner States of the OSCE: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia October 3, 2003
Briefing: Romania: Moving Toward NATO and the EU October 1, 2003
Hearing: Chechnya: Current Situation and Prospects for the Future September 16, 2003
Helsinki Commission Presents:
Two Documentary Films about Chechnya
September 12, 2003
Briefing: Property Restitution and Compensation in Post-Communist Europe: A Status Update September 10, 2003
Hearing: U.S. Policy Toward the OSCE September 9, 2003
Hearing: The Dutch Leadership of the OSCE September 3, 2003
Hearing: Missing Persons in Southeast Europe August 1, 2003
Hearing: Internally Displaced Persons in the Caucasus Region and Southeastern Anatolia June 10, 2003
Hearing: Arming Rogue Regimes: The Role of OSCE Participating States June 5, 2003
Briefing: Democracy, Human Rights and Justice in Serbia Today June 4, 2003
Briefing: Bringing Justice to Southeast Europe May 15, 2003
Briefing: The Critical Human Rights and Humanitarian Situation in Chechnya April 24, 2003

Parliamentary Forum: Combating anti-Semitism in the OSCE Region December 10, 2002
Briefing: Turkey: After the Election November 14, 2002
Briefing: Intolerance in Contemporary Russia October 15, 2002
Hearing: U.S. Policy Toward the OSCE October 10, 2002
Hearing: The Republic of Georgia: Democracy, Human Rights and Security September 24, 2002
Hearing: Property Restitution in Central and Eastern Europe:
The State of Affairs for American Claimants
July 16, 2002
Hearing: Human Rights in Greece: A Snapshot of the Cradle of Democracy June 20, 2002
Hearing: Prospects for Ethnic Harmony in Kosovo June 19, 2002
Hearing: Escalating Anti-Semitic Violence in Europe May 22, 2002
Hearing: Developments in the Chechen Conflict May 9, 2002
Hearing: International Cooperation in the War on Terrorism May 8, 2002
Hearing: Romani Human Rights: Old Problems, New Possibilities April 9, 2002
Briefing: Escalating Violence and Rights Violations in Central Asia March 28, 2002
Briefing: If the Cyprus Talks Fail
March 26, 2002
Briefing: U.S. Policy in Central Asia and Human Rights Concerns March 7, 2002
Briefing: Ukraine Parliamentary Elections February 27, 2002

Hearing: Human Rights and Democracy in Kyrgyzstan December 12, 2001
Briefing: The Status of Cyprus
December 5, 2001
Hearing: Romania's Chairmanship of the OSCE October 31, 2001
Briefing: Religious Registration in the OSCE Region October 11, 2001
Hearing: U.S. Policy Toward OSCE October 3, 2001
Hearing: Moldova: Are the Russian Troops Really Leaving? September 25, 2001
Briefing: Domestic Violence in the OSCE Region September 7, 2001
Hearing: Civilian Police and Police Training in Post-Conflict OSCE Areas September 5, 2001
Hearing: Troubling Trends: Human Rights in Russia June 5, 2001
Hearing: Ukraine at the Crossroads: Ten Years After Independence May 2, 2001
Hearing: Recent Developments in and around Kosovo March 29, 2001
Briefing: Serbia After Milosevic: A Progress Report March 6, 2001

Briefing: Human Rights in Russia September 23, 2000
Hearing: Protecting Human Rights and Securing Peace in Northern Ireland:
The Vital Role of Police Reform
September 22, 2000
Hearing: Milosevic's Crackdown in Serbia and Threat to Montenegro July 27, 2000
Briefing with Alexandr Nikitin July 20, 2000
Briefing: Religious Liberty: The Legal Framework in Selected OSCE Countries July 19, 2000
Briefing: Torture in the OSCE Region (Focus on Turkey and Chechnya) June 21, 2000
Hearing: Bosnia's Future Under the Dayton Agreement June 13, 2000
Hearing: Human Rights of the Romani Minority June 8, 2000
Hearing: Elections, Democratization, and Human Rights in Azerbaijan May 25, 2000
Hearing: The Putin Path: Are Human Rights in Retreat? May 23, 2000
Hearing: The Deterioration of Freedom of the Media in OSCE Countries April 4, 2000
Hearing: The Impact of Organized Crime and Corruption
on Democratic and Economic Reform
March 23, 2000
Hearing: The State of Democracy and Human Rights in Turkmenistan March 21, 2000
Hearing: Protection of Human Rights Advocates in Northern Ireland March 14, 2000
Hearing: Belarus at the Crossroads March 9, 2000
Hearing: Kosovo's Displaced and Imprisoned February 28, 2000
Hearing: Kosovo's Displaced and Imprisoned - Part 2 February 28, 2000
Hearing: Kosovo's Displaced and Imprisoned - Part 3 February 28, 2000
Hearing: The Status of Religious Liberty in Russia Today February 17, 2000
Briefing: Chechen Parliamentarians February 2, 2000
Hearing: Promoting and Protecting Democracy in Montenegro February 1, 2000

Hearing: Chechen Crisis and Its Implications for Russian Democracy November 3, 1999
Hearing: Democratization and Human Rights in Uzbekistan October 18, 1999
Briefing: High Stakes: Upcoming Presidential Elections in Ukraine October 18, 1999
Briefing: The Situation in Dagestan September 17, 1999
Briefing: Human Rights in Russia September 8, 1999
Hearing: Bribery and Corruption in the OSCE Region July 21, 1999
Hearing: The Sex Trade:
Trafficking of Women and Children in Europe and the United States
June 28, 1999
Hearing: Religious Freedom in Western Europe:
Religious Minorities and Growing Government Intolerance
June 8, 1999
Briefing: Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo: The Views of Local Human Rights Advocates May 12, 1999
Hearing: Accountability for War Crimes: Progress and Prospects May 11, 1999
Hearing: The State of Human Rights and Democracy in Kazakstan May 6, 1999
Hearing: Belarus--Back in the USSR? April 27, 1999
Hearing: Atrocities and the Humanitarian Crisis in Kosovo April 6, 1999
Hearing: The Long Road Home --
Struggling for Property Rights in Post-Communist Europe
March 25, 1999
Briefing: Deputy Shishlov: The Decline in Human Rights, Rule of Law, Religious Liberty, and Environmental Safety in Russia Today March 24, 1999
Hearing: The Road to the OSCE Istanbul Summit
and Human Rights in the Republic of Turkey
March 18, 1999
Briefing: Civil Society, Democracy, and Markets in East Central Europe and the NIS: Problems and Perspectivies February 18, 1999
Hearing: Whither Human Rights in Russia? January 15, 1999
Briefing: Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia: Electoral and Political Outlook for 1999 January 8, 1999
Briefing: Bosnian Elections and the Role of the OSCE January 8, 1999

Hearing: Milosevic Versus Serbian Democracy and Balkan Stability December 10, 1998
Briefing: The Ombudsman and the OSCE: An American Perspective December 2, 1998
Briefing: The Status of Human Rights in Russia October 8, 1998
Briefing: The Status of Chechnya October 2, 1998
Hearing: Atrocities in Kosovo: Shattuck and Dole Report September 17, 1998
Briefing: Deteriorating Religious Liberty in Europe July 30, 1998
Briefing: The Deterioration of European Religious Liberty July 22, 1998
Hearing: Romani Human Rights in Europe July 21, 1998
Briefing: Kosovo July 16, 1998
Briefing: Belarus Opposition Leaders June 19, 1998
Briefing: Pluralism and Tolerance in Croatia May 13, 1998
Hearing: Repression and Violence in Kosovo and Hearing on Kosovo: The Humanitarian Perspective March 18, 1998
Briefing: Status of the Russian Religious Law February 12, 1998
Briefing: Bosnia February 5, 1998

Hearing: Status of Religious Liberty for Minority Faiths in Europe and the OSCE December 5, 1997
Briefing: OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting October 28, 1997
Hearing: Religious Intolerance in Europe Today September 18, 1997
Briefing: The Meaning of Yeltsin's Veto of Russia's Law on Religion July 28, 1997
Briefing: The Human Rights Situation in Croatia June 12, 1997
Briefing: The Present Situation in Albania May 23, 1997
Briefing: The Continued Use of Torture in Turkey April 8, 1997
Briefing: The Current Situation in Croatia March 21, 1997
Hearing: The Future of Chechyna March 13, 1997
Briefing: Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe February 20, 1997
Briefing: Religious Freedom in Russia January 14, 1997

Hearing: Political Turmoil in Serbia December 12, 1996
Briefing: Brcko and the Future of Bosnia December 12, 1996
Hearing: Serbia's Political Future December 1, 1996
Briefing: The Current Situation in Belarus October 30, 1996
Briefing: Civil Implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords in Bosnia October 25, 1996
Hearing: Property Restitution, Compensation and Preservation:
Competing Claims in Post-Communist Europe
July 18, 1996
Hearing: Russia's Election: What Does It Mean? July 10, 1996
Hearing: Bosnia: Should the OSCE Certify Conditions Exist for Free and Fair Elections? June 26, 1996
Briefing: Albanian Parliamentary Elections June 18, 1996
Briefing: Bosnian Elections III: Representatives of Bosnian Political Parties May 30, 1996
Briefing: The War Crimes Trials for the Former Yugoslavia: Prospects and Problems May 28, 1996
Briefing: Russian Media in Light of Upcoming Elections May 14, 1996
Briefing: Rebuilding Bosnia-Herzegovina: Strategies and the U.S. Role May 9, 1996
Briefing: Turkish Minority in Western Thrace April 26, 1996
Hearing: The Legacy of Chernobyl April 23, 1996
Hearing: Challenges to Democracy in Albania March 14, 1996
Hearing: The Chechen Conflict and Russian Democratic Development March 1, 1996

Hearing: Mass Graves and Other Atrocities in Bosnia December 5, 1995
Briefing: Pre- Election Briefing on Russia November 29, 1995
Briefing: Religious Liberty: The State Church and Minority Faiths November 28, 1995
Briefing: The OSCE at Twenty: Its Relevance to Other Regions- part 2 November 13, 1995
Briefing: The OSCE at Twenty: Its Relevance to Other Regions- part 3 November 13, 1995
Briefing: The OSCE at Twenty: Its Relevance to Other Regions - part 4 November 13, 1995
Briefing: The OSCE at Twenty: Its Relevance to Other Regions November 13, 1995
Briefing: Religious Liberty in the OSCE: Present and Future September 27, 1995
Hearing: Turkey-U.S. Relations: Potential and Perils September 19, 1995
Briefing:Trade and Investment in Central Europe and the NIS July 10, 1995
Briefing: Banja Luka-Ethnic Cleansing Paradigm June 11, 1995
Hearing: The Latest Crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina June 8, 1995
Briefing: Human Rights in Turkey June 6, 1995
Hearing: Chechnya May 1, 1995
Hearing: The United Nations, NATO and the Former Yugoslavia April 6, 1995
Hearing: Genocide in Bosnia April 4, 1995
Briefing: The Developments in Bosnia-Herzegovina April 3, 1995
Hearing: Human Rights and Democratization in the Republic of Georgia March 28, 1995
Briefing: Emerging Free Trade Union Movement in the Newly Independent States March 15, 1995
Briefing: US Assistance to Eastern Europe and the NIS February 17, 1995
Hearing: Developments in Bosnia-Herzegovina January 31, 1995
Hearing: The Crisis in Chechnya January 19, 1995

Briefing: Electoral Reforms in Russia December 10, 1994
Briefing: Democratization, Political and Economic Reform in East Central Europe (N/A) October 12, 1994
Briefing: Economic Cooperation with Russia (N/A) September 23, 1994
Hearing: Disability Rights and U.S. Foregin Policy September 21, 1994
Briefing: Status of Media Freedom in Democracies September 1, 1994
Briefing: Nagorno-Karabakh July 29, 1994
Briefing: Banned Turkish Parliamentarians Discuss State of Democracy in Turkey July 1, 1994
Briefing: Crime and Corruption in Russia June 10, 1994
Briefing: Doing Business in Russia and the NIS: Opportunities and Obstacles June 3, 1994
Hearing: Russia and Its Neighbors May 24, 1994
Briefing: Focus on Serious Challenges Facing the Ukraine May 20, 1994
Briefing: Human Rights Law Group Briefing on Human Rights in Turkey May 16, 1994
Briefing: Russia and NATO: Moscow's Foreign Policy and Partnership for Peace May 6, 1994
Hearing: Human Rights in Kosovo, the Sandzak, and Vojvodina May 5, 1994
Briefing: Doing Business in Russia and the NIS: Opportunities and Obstacles (N/A) May 3, 1994
Briefing: Criminalizing Parliamentary Speech in Turkey May 1, 1994
Briefing: CSCE Human Dimension Seminar on Migrant Workers April 21, 1994
Hearing: A Child's Life in Sarajevo March 10, 1994
Briefing: Repression Against Evangelicals in Former Soviet Union February 16, 1994
Hearing: Bosnia's Second Winter Under Seige February 8, 1994

Hearing: The Current State and Future Prospects of Democracy in Russia November 3, 1993
Briefing: The Situation in Russia October 27, 1993
Briefing: Current Situation in Georgia and Implications for U.S. Policy October 25, 1993
Hearing: The Fate of the People of Bosnia-Herzegovina October 21, 1993
Hearing: The Fate of the People of Bosnia-Herzegovina- Part 2 October 21, 1993
Hearing: The Fate of the People of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Part 3 October 21, 1993
Hearing: Peace in the Middle East October 14, 1993
Ethnic Violence in Trans-Caucasia August 11, 1993
Hearing: The Yugoslavia Conflict: Potential for Spillover in the Balkans- Part 2 July 21, 1993
Hearing: The Yugoslavia Conflict: Potential for Spillover in the Balkans July 21, 1993
U.S. Human Rights Policy: Joint Hearing with House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Security,
International Organizations and Human Rights
June 10, 1993
Briefing:U.S. Human Rights Policy: Joint Hearing with House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Security,
International Organizations and Human Rights- Part 2
June 10, 1993
Briefing: Situation of Kurds in Iran, Iraq and Turkey May 17, 1993
Hearing: Prospects for a War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia April 21, 1993
Briefing: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States April 21, 1993
Briefing: Human Rights In Turkey: Part 2 April 5, 1993
Briefing: Human Rights in Turkey April 5, 1993
Hearing: The Countries of Central Asia: Problems in the Transition to Independence and the Implications March 25, 1993
Hearing: Ethnic Violence in Trans-Caucasia (N/A) March 8, 1993
Hearing: War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia February 25, 1993
Hearing: European Perspective on Bosnian Conflict February 22, 1993
Hearing: Crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina February 4, 1993
Hearing: War Crimes and Humanitarian Crisis in Former Yugoslavia January 25, 1993
Hearing: War Crimes and the Humanitarian Crisis in the Former Yugoslavia - Part 2 January 25, 1993
Hearing: War Crimes and the Humanitarian Crisis in the Former Yugoslavia - Part 3 January 25, 1993
Hearing: War Crimes and the Humanitarian Crisis in the Former Yugoslavia - Part 4 January 25, 1993

Hearing: Ethnic Russians in the Baltic States August 10, 1992
Hearing: Presidential Election in Azerbaijan June 22, 1992
Hearing: The Crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina May 12, 1992
Hearing: The Yugoslav Republics: Prospects for Peace and Human Rights February 5, 1992
Hearing: The Yugoslav Republics: Prospects for Peace and Human Rights - Part 3 February 5, 1992
Hearing: The Yugoslav Republics: Prospects for Peace and Human Rights- Part 2 February 5, 1992
Hearing: The New Commonwealth of Independent States:
Problems, Perspectives, and U.S. Policy Implications- Part 2
January 9, 1992
Hearing: The New Commonwealth of Independent States:
Problems, Perspectives, and U.S. Policy Implications
January 9, 1992

Hearing: The Conflict in Yugoslavia October 31, 1991
Hearing: The Nagorno-Karabakh Crisis: Prospects for Resolution October 23, 1991
Hearing: Geneva Meeting on National Minorities and Moscow Meeting on the Human Dimension July 31, 1991
Joint Hearing: Conference on Security, Stability, Development, and Cooperation in Africa July 30, 1991
Hearing: Democratic Developments in Albania May 22, 1991
Hearing: Baltic Leadership on the Status of Independence Movements May 7, 1991
Hearing: The USSR in Crisis: State of the Union February 6, 1991
Hearing: Soviet Crackdown in the Baltic States January 17, 1991

Hearing: Copenhagen Meeting on the Human Dimension July 18, 1990
Hearing: East-West Trade and the Helsinki Process (N/A) June 13, 1990
Hearing: Meeting with Prime Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene of Lithuania (N/A) May 3, 1990
Hearing: Soviet Involvement in Afghanistan May 3, 1990
Hearing: German Unification and the CSCE Process April 3, 1990
Hearing: CSCE Process (N/A) April 3, 1990
Hearing: Status Report on Soviet Jewry March 7, 1990

Unofficial Translations
not available