LR83.1 Admission to Practice.

  1. Eligibility. A lawyer applying for admission to the bar of this court must be licensed to practice law by the licensing authority of one of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, or a Territory of the United States, and if licensed by a licensing authority other than the State of Texas, then an attorney must also be a member in good standing of a United States District Court.

  2. Division. Lawyers who reside in the district must apply in the division where the lawyer resides. Applicants who do not reside in the district may apply for admission in any division.

  3. Application. The lawyer shall file an application on a form prescribed by the Court.

  4. Committee on Admissions. The district shall have one committee on admissions comprised of five attorney members chosen by the Chief Judge and who shall serve staggered three-year terms. The participation of three members, either in person or by electronic means, shall constitute a quorum.

  5. Action on the Application. After a review of the application, the Court will admit or deny admission. A person not admitted may request a hearing to show why the application should be granted. The hearing will be conducted under the procedures for disciplinary matters.

  6. Uncompensated Assignments. The pro bono representation of indigent clients is encouraged by this Court. It is hoped that as a matter of public service a member of the Bar of the Southern District of Texas will accept an uncompensated assignment to an indigent's civil matter as often as every twelve months.

  7. Workshop. An approved applicant must attend a workshop held by the Court before being admitted, unless the applicant either is over seventy years old or resides out of the district and is a member of the bar of another United States District Court. Former Circuit, District, Bankruptcy and Magistrate Judges are exempt from attending the workshop.
    1. On approval of an application, the clerk will notify the applicant, giving the locations and dates of the next workshops.
    2. Applicants who reside in the Houston or Galveston Divisions must attend the workshop in Houston.
    3. Applicants for admission in the Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Laredo, McAllen and Victoria Divisions may attend a workshop in any division.

  8. Expiration. Members of the bar must reapply every five years from the date of admission by filing a new application and paying the fee. If a member fails to reapply before the expiration of the term, a later application will be treated as an original application, requiring reapproval and attendance at a workshop.

  9. Oath. On admission, the lawyer will take this oath before any judicial officer of the United States:
    I do solemnly swear [affirm] that I will discharge the duties of attorney and counselor of this court faithfully, that I will demean myself uprightly under the law and the highest ethics of our profession, and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
  10. Fee. The applicant will pay the fee set by order. Should an applicant scheduled to take the oath unreasonably fail to notify the clerk that he will not appear as scheduled, the applicant forfeits the fee.

  11. Practice Without Admission. A lawyer who is not admitted to practice before this Court may appear as attorney-in-charge for a party in a case in this Court with the permission of the judge before whom the case is pending. When a lawyer who is not a member of the bar of this Court first appears in a case, the lawyer shall move for leave to appear as attorney-in-charge for the client.

  12. Conduct of Attorneys. The Rules of Discipline in Appendix A govern membership in the bar of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas.

LR83.2. Withdrawal of Counsel. Although no delay will be countenanced because of a change in counsel, withdrawal of counsel-in-charge may be effected by motion and order, under conditions imposed by the Court.

LR83.3. Notices. All communications about an action will be sent to the attorney-in-charge who is responsible for notifying associate counsel.

LR83.4. Change of Address. Notices will be sent only to the address on file. A lawyer or pro se litigant is responsible for keeping the clerk advised in writing of the current address. Counsel of record and pro se litigants must include in this advice the case numbers of all pending cases in which they are participants in this district.

LR83.5. Parties' Agreement. Agreements among the parties are enforceable by the Court only if they are announced in open court or reduced to writing and signed. Nevertheless, agreements of the parties are not binding on the Court.

LR83.6. Preserving Confidentiality.
  1. Civil Actions. On the filing of a civil action that the party desires be sealed, the party shall present an application to the clerk attaching the complaint and accompanying materials in a sealed envelope marked "sealed exhibit." A miscellaneous case number will be assigned and the case file presented to the miscellaneous judge. Once that judge has ruled on the application, the case file and order will be returned immediately to the clerk for the drawing of a civil action number and random assignment to a judge.
  2. Jurors' Names. The trial judge may hold the names of petit jurors confidential. Names of jurors held confidential shall not be disclosed other than to employees of the judiciary of the United States in their official duties.

LR83.7. Electro-Mechanical Devices. Except by leave of the presiding judge, no photo- or electro-mechanical means of recordation or transmission of court proceedings is permitted in the courthouse.

LR83.8. Courtroom Behavior. Traditional, formal courtroom etiquette is required of all who appear in court as specified in Appendix C.