CrLR55.1. Withdrawal of Instruments. No filed instrument shall be removed from the clerk's custody without an order.

CrLR55.2. Exhibits at Criminal Trials.
  1. Authentication of Exhibits. A party requiring authentication of an exhibit must notify the offering party in writing within five days after the exhibit is listed and made available. Failure to object in advance of the trial in writing concedes authenticity.

  2. Objections to Exhibits. Objections to admissibility of exhibits must be made at least three business days before trial by notifying the Court in writing of the disputes, with copies of the disputed exhibit and authority.

  3. Disposition of Exhibits.
    1. Exhibits that are not easily stored in a file folder (like posters, parts, or models) must be withdrawn within two business days after the completion of the trial and reduced reproductions or photographs substituted.

    2. If there is no appeal, exhibits will be removed by the offering party within thirty days after disposition of the case. When there is an appeal, exhibits returned by the court of appeals will be removed by the offering party within ten days after written notice from the clerk. Exhibits not removed will be disposed of by the clerk, and the expenses incurred will be taxed against the offering party.