hurricane symbol Enter the June-November season prepared. Inventory boards, tools, batteries, nonperishable foods, and other emergency equipment.

When your area receives a hurricane warning:

HURRICANE WATCH: Hurricane conditions pose a possible threat to your area. In especially vulnerable areas, early evacuation may be necessary when a Watch is issued. Otherwise you should review hurricane safety procedures and make preparations. Listen to NOAA Weather Radio and commercial radio and television for the latest information and instructions for your location.

HURRICANE WARNING: Hurricane conditions are expected in your area within 24 hours. Areas subject to storm surge or tides should be evacuated as well as areas which could be isolated by flood waters. Follow the instructions of local officials. You will not be asked to leave your home unless your life is threatened.

REMEMBER: Latest storm-related information will be available on NOAA Weather Radio and commercial radio and television. Do not tie up telephone lines by calling local officials or the National Weather Service. Listen carefully to broadcasters serving your immediate area.

A hurricane causes sea level to rise above normal tidal heights, with giant wind-driven waves and strong, unpredictable currents. These are the storm's worst killers.

Tornadoes spawned by hurricanes are extremely dangerous. When a hurricane approaches, listen for tornado watches and warnings, and be ready to take immediate shelter.

NOAA/PA 70027

OCWWS Publications

Office of Climate, Weather and Water Services
National Weather Service
1325 East-West Hwy
Silver Spring, MD

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