This page contains
links to information for community leaders
The following
are links to resources at Mississippi State's Social Science Research
Education Programs Framework (1998)
Education Programs Framework (1999)
Education Programs Framework (2001)
The above documents
are in Adobe Acrobat format and require the Acrobat Reader software
to read them.

- National
Workforce Development Education and Training Initiative
A program
bringing remote sensing education to students to ensure that
a trained workforce will be available to support a growing geospatial
- Gulf
Coast Education Initiative Consortium (GCEIC)
NASA, educators
and administrators come together in a partnership to promote
and support regional education improvement.
The Stennis
Office of Education's Electronic Strategic Planning and Consensus
Engagement Collaboration Laboratory, or e-SPACE Collaboratory,
is a combination of PC technology and facilitated meeting techniques.
- Tri-State
Education Initiative (TSEI)
national demonstration program. A cooperative effort between
NASA and state, local and other Federal agencies to work toward
accomplishment of the National Education Goals.
- Piney
Woods Country Life School
in south central Mississippi, the Piney Woods Country Life School
is dedicated to providing African-American students an opportunity
for excellence in education.
- Jackson
State University
A collaborative agreement between NASA and
Jackson State University provides pre-service and K-12 educators the opportunity
to receive NASA educational publications, multimedia products and professional
development workshops.