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USJFCOM Photo Library

Sept. 11 Memorial Ceremony
Dec. 11, 2001

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Senior officers of Supreme Allied Command Atlantic and Joint Forces Command salute during the national anthem. They attended a three-month Sept 11th remembrance ceremony held at the Naval Support Activity compound on Dec 11, 2001. Gen. Kernan speaks to staff members of Supreme Allied Command Atlantic, U.S. Joint Forces, and U.S. Atlantic Fleet during a ceremony to remember the three-month anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept 11th. Adm. Natter, Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, stands to the general's left and Adm. Perowne, Deputy, Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic stands to the general's right.
A sailor from the honor guard stands at attention during a three-month remembrance ceremony held on the Naval Support Activity compound for staff members of Supreme Atlantic Command Atlantic, U.S. Joint Forces Command, and U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Gen. Kernan speaks with a reporter.


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