


Professional Bioethics Organizations

American Society for Bioethics and Humanities - contains resource links, meeting information, and position papers.

American Society for Law, Medicine, and Ethics publishes two quarterly journals with online access: The Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics and The American Journal of Law and Medicine.

Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research- a national organization dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary forum for addressing biomedical and bioethical issues; site is maintained by the AAMC

Canadian Bioethics Society - provides related links, a newsletter, meeting information, and a listing of Canadian jobs available in bioethics.

The Society for Medical Decision Making - international, interdisciplinary society dedicated to the study and improvement of all aspects of medical decision making. Membership includes online access to the journal Medical Decision Making, clinical education modules, newsletter, and conferences.

National Catholic Bioethics Center- teachings and insights of the Catholic tradition and what it can bring to the field of medicine and the human biological sciences.

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society - a nonprofit membership society of more than 80,000 scientists. In addition to publishing American Scientist, Sigma Xi awards grants annually to promising young researchers, holds forums on critical issues at the intersection of science and society and sponsors a variety of programs supporting honor in science and engineering, science education, science policy and the public understanding of science.


Last updated: 07/25/02 10:33 AM