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ABC's of Child Support: Employer Overview. BOOK. 1998. Provides information to employers about collecting child support from their employees who owe it. Includes some background information about the "Child Support Enforcement Program."0-16-061601-8
Americans With Disabilities Act: A Technical Assistance Manual. BOOK. 1992. Designed to help employers, persons with disabilities, and others learn about their obligations and rights under the Americans With Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336). Covers employers with 15 or more employees. Includes a resource directory. 0-16-062671-4 Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336. BOOK. 1990. An Act to Establish a Clear and Comprehensive Prohibition of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability. Approved July 26, 1990. 0-16-024794-2
Annual Report on the Employment of Minorities, Women, and People With Disabilities in the Federal Government for Fiscal Year Ending 1999. BOOK. 2000. Describes the progress of Federal agencies in creating an equitable employment environment for minorities, women, and people with disabilities. Apprenticeships: Career Training, Credentials, and a Paycheck in Your Pocket. BOOK. 2002. Explains how apprenticeship works. Lists apprenticeable occupations, and the estimated years of training required for each. Aviation Careers: The Sky's the Limit. BOOK. 1996. Provides information on career opportunities in aviation. Includes a section on women in aviation. 0-16-062382-0 BLS Handbook of Methods. BOOK. 1997. Presents detailed explanations of how the Bureau of Labor Statistics obtains and prepares the economic data it publishes. 0-16-049038-3
Career Guide to Industries, 2002-2003. BOOK. 2002. Provides information on the nature of each industry, employment, working conditions, occupations, training and advancement, earnings and benefits, and outlook. Organized by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) major categories. Intended as a companion to the Occupational Outlook Handbook. 0-16-051001-5 Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, Public Law 95-454. BOOK. 1978. An Act to Reform the Civil Service Laws. Approved October 13, 1978. 0-16-003304-7 Core Subjects and Your Career: English and Your Career; Math and Your Career; Science and Your Career. BOOK. 1999. Describes the importance of instruction in English, math, and science in preparing for a career in various occupations. Dictionary of Occupational Titles. BOOKS. 1991. Defines and indexes over 20,000 job titles. Addresses issues of training and education, career guidance and employment counseling, job counseling, job definition, and wage restructuring. 0-16-032357-6 EE-Employment and Earnings. SUBSCRIPTION. LIST ID EMEA. Issued monthly. Subscription service will be accepted for one or two years. Current data on employment, hours, and earnings for the United States as a whole, for States, and for more than 200 local areas. Subscription price: Domestic - $53.00 a year; Foreign - $74.20 a year. Single copy price: Domestic - $27.00 a copy; Foreign - $37.80 a copy. File Code 2M. 0-16-011445-4 Employee Rights and Remedies Under Title 5, United States Code, Chapters 12 and 23. BOOK. 1999. Presents Title 5, United States Code, Chapters 12 and 23, containing information pertaining to Federal employees' rights and remedies in connection with: prohibited personnel practices; access to Office of Special Counsel (OSC) for assistance in connection with prohibited personnel practice matters, whistleblower disclosures, and Hatch Act advice; and access to the Merit Systems Protection Board. Includes training aids for Federal agency information programs. 0-16-049911-9 Employer's Desk Guide to Child Support. BOOK. 1999. Provides information to employers about collecting child support from their employees who owe it. Instructs the employer on how to: report new hires; withhold income and medical support; disburse payments; and report terminations. Includes appendices on: employee rights and responsibilities; State-specific reference; Federal legislative references; multi-State employer notification form; Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP); a glossary; and an index. 0-16-050158-X Employment and Wages Annual Averages . . .
Employment, Hours, and Earnings, United States, 1990-1995: March 1994 Benchmark Revisions. BOOK. 1995. Presents monthly and annual average data on employment, hours, and earnings in States and metropolitan areas by industry. 0-16-048366-2
Employment Interviewing: Seizing the Opportunity and the Job. BOOK. 2000. Gives useful advice on what to do before, during, and after a job interview. Includes tips about job fairs. Employment Law Guide (English Edition). BOOK. 2003. Describes the statutes and regulations administered by the Department of Labor (DOL) that affect businesses and workers. Designed mainly for those needing "hands-on" information to develop wage, benefit, safety and health, and nondiscrimination policies for businesses in general industry. 0-16-051379-0 Employment Outlook, 1998-2008: Occupational Change From an Industry Perspective. BOOK. 2000. Provides an overview of industry and occupational employment projections for the 1998-2008 period. Focuses on industries and occupations that will generate the largest portion of the projected job growth. Discusses the implications of employment growth on the quality of jobs in terms of earnings and on the education and training requirements of jobs that will be generated from 1998-2008. 0-16-050595-X Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment . . .
Handbook for Employers: Instructions for Completing Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Form. BOOK. 1991. Also known as M-274. Provides step-by-step explanations of how employers can meet their responsibilities under the Immigration and Naturalization Laws. Explains the responsibilities and rights of employees in the hiring and verification process. Includes additional illustrations of documents that may be used to establish identity and employment eligibility. Advises how to avoid employment discrimination based on citizenship or national origin. 0-16-048040-X
Here Today, Jobs of Tomorrow: Opportunities in Information Technology. BOOK. 1998. Describes the occupations in the information technology field. Examines opportunities in the labor market and earnings for information technology workers. Explains how to prepare for a career in information technology. 0-16-061770-7 High-Earning Workers Who Don't Have a Bachelor's Degree. BOOK. 1999. 0-16-058923-1 Indicators of Equal Employment Opportunity: Status and Trends. BOOK. 2000. Provides information on the labor force, employment, unemployment and discouraged workers, and earnings. 0-16-050222-5 Integrating Technology With Workers in the New American Workplace. BOOK. 1994. Looks at how technology is affecting workers and their workplaces and which technology practices are most effective. 0-16-045421-2 Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, Public Law 107-147. BOOK. 2002. An Act to Provide Tax Incentives for Economic Recovery. Approved March 9, 2002.
Job Outlook in Brief, 2000-2010. BOOK. 2002. Provides brief sketches of employment data for each occupation in the 2002-2003 Occupational Outlook Handbook. Each entry presents the occupation's title, estimated 2000 employment, percent change in employment, numerical change in employment, and employment prospects.
Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in . . .
Matching Yourself With the World of Work, 1998. BOOK. 1998. Lists and defines 22 occupational characteristics and requirements. Matches these characteristics with about 250 occupations. Intended to match job and personal characteristics of occupations with your interests and skills. 0-16-061772-3 Military Careers: A Guide to Military Occupations, 2001. BOOK. 2001. Contains a compendium of military occupational, training, and career information. Designed for use by students desiring to explore the world of military work. Includes descriptions of140 enlisted and officer occupations. 0-16-066411-X Monthly Labor Review. SUBSCRIPTION. LIST ID MLR. Keeps professionals in economics, industrial relations, business, and human resource management up-to-date on developments in the economy, labor-management relations, business conditions, and social trends. Includes objective analyses on the labor force, wages, employee benefits, prices, productivity, economic growth, and occupational injuries and illnesses. Subscription service will be accepted for one or two years. Subscription price: Domestic - $49.00 a year; Foreign - $68.60 a year. Single copy price: Domestic - $15.00 a copy; Foreign - $21.00 a copy. File Co0-16-011454-3 Occupational Employment and Wages, 2000. BOOK. 2002. Provides information on employment and wages in nonfarm industries. 0-16-051106-2
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2002-2003 . . .
Occupational Outlook Quarterly. SUBSCRIPTION. LIST ID OOQ. Subscription service will be accepted for one or two years. A periodical to help young people, employment analysts, and guidance counselors keep up on current occupational and employment developments. Written in nontechnical language and illustrated in color, contains articles on new occupations, training opportunities, salary trends, career counseling programs, andthe results of new studies from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Subscription price: Domestic - $15.00 a year; Foreign - $21.00 a year. Single copy price: Domestic - $6.00 a copy; Foreign - $8.40 a cop0-16-011468-3 Occupational Projections and Training Data, 2002-2003. BOOK. 2002. Provides a statistical and research supplement to the 2002-2003 Occupational Outlook Handbook. Presents detailed, comprehensive statistics used in preparing the Handbook. 0-16-051115-1
O*Net 98: Keeping Face With Today's Changing Workplace. CD-ROM. 1998. Consists of 4 main tools: O*Net 98 Viewer, Version 1.0; Viewer User's Guide; O*Net 98 Database; and Data Dictionary. Contains occupational information about skills, knowledges, abilities, and work activities, interests, work values, and occupation-specific tasks for over 1,100 occupations. Hardware: 486DX or pentium-level PC with 16MB RAM and 20M free hard disk space; database may be installed separately using 12M to 53M disk space. Software: Windows 3.1 or newer. Database files are available in dBase 4, Paradox 5, and Access 2. 0-16-061769-3 O*Net Version 3.0 . . .
Optional Application for Federal Employment, Optional Form 612. FORM. 1994. Includes form and instructions. States that "You may apply for most jobs with a resume, this form, or another written format. If your resume or application does not provide all the information requested on this form and in the vacancy announcement, you may lose consideration for a job. 0-16-061607-7 Pipelines of Progress: An Update on the Glass Ceiling Initiative. BOOK. 1992. A report on what is taking place in America to ensure that artificial barriers are broken so that merit can determine the career advancement of talented minorities and women. 0-16-038019-7 Political Activity and the Federal Employee. BOOK. 1999. Summarizes the laws, regulations, and policies governing the political activities of Federal employees and employees of the District of Columbia government. Provides a basic overview of permissible and prohibited political activities. Includes a summary of the Hatch Act and Title 5, United States Code, Sections 7321-7326. 0-16-049909-7
Resumes, Applications, and Cover Letters. BOOK. 1999. Briefly describes how to create effective resumes and cover letters and how to pick up and fill out job application forms. Includes a section about creating digital resumes. 0-16-050224-1 Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations, 4th Edition. SUBSCRIPTION. January 1993. LIST ID SCAD. Subscription service consists of a basic manual and annual supplements. In looseleaf form, punched for 3-ring binder. Provides occupational information essential to timely development and issuance of Service Contract Act wage determinations. Includes Federal grade equivalencies for most of the occupations listed. Contains titles and descriptions for over 300 jobs. Subscription price: Domestic - $30.00 (first-class); Foreign - $42.00. File Code 1L. Standard Occupational Classification Manual, 1980. BOOK. 1980. Lists occupations and codes, providing a mechanism for cross-referencing and aggregating occupation-related data collected by social and economic statistical reporting programs. Includes a classified list, an alphabetical index, and a listing of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles industries and codes. 0-16-018462-2 Tips for Finding the Right Job, 1996. BOOK. 1996. Includes tips on evaluating your interests and skills, finding job information, writing resumes and application letters, preparing for job interviews, planning your time, and taking tests. 0-16-048807-9 Title 5, United States Code, Government Organization and Employees, May 2001. BOOK. 2001. Includes amendments made through Public Law 106-580, December 31, 2000. 0-16-050740-5 Twenty-First Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs: A Report of the United States Department of Labor, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, National Institute for Literacy. BOOK. 1999. Known as: Vice President Gore's Skills Summit, January 12, 1999. Examines the skills needed to maintain employment in the 21st century. 0-16-049964-X Understanding the Revolving Door. FOLDER. 2000. Prepared especially for elected or appointed Federal officials who are preparing to leave the Federal government and return to employment in the private sector.
United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, November 8, 2000. BOOK. 2000. Known as the Plum Book. Contains data on over 7,000 Federal civil service leadership and support positions in the legislative and executive branches of the Federal government that maybe subject to noncompetitive appointment. Lists positions, such as agency heads and their immediate subordinates; policy executives and advisors; and aides who report to these officials. 0-16-050560-7 We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands: Environmental Careers. BOOK. 1994. Describes employment and working conditions, and training requirements for selected environmental occupations. 0-16-061759-6
What Work Requires of Schools (Spanish Edition). BOOK. 1992. 0-16-038243-2 Workforce 2000: Work and Workers for the 21st Century. BOOK. 1987. Predicts trends for the next 15 years and discusses policy issues. Recognizes six challenges: stimulating world growth; improving productivity in the service industries; improving thedynamism of an aging workforce; reconciling the needs of women, work, and families; integrating Blacks and Hispanics fully into the workforce; and improving workers' education and skills. 0-16-003887-1 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Public Law 105-220. BOOK. 1998. An Act to Consolidate, Coordinate, and Improve Employment, Training, Literacy, and Vocational Rehabilitation Programs in the United States, and for Other Purposes. Approved August 7, 1998.
Workforce Tool Kit: The Resource for Employers. BOOK. 2001. Assists the employer in expanding, training, restructuring, and financing a workforce. Includes a list of resources and a glossary. 0-16-061664-6 Working Woman's Guide to Her Job Rights. BOOK. 1992. Presents general information about protection and services provided under Federal law which affects women's rights when seeking employment, while working, and when retiring. 0-16-067912-5 A service of the U.S. Government Printing Office.
Last Updated:
October 29, 2003 Page Name: http://bookstore.gpo.gov/sb/sb-044.html |