CONQUEST 2.0 Copyright Information

The COmputerized Needs-Oriented QUality Measurement Evaluation SysTem (CONQUEST) is a performance measurement tool that permits users to identify and evaluate health care quality measures to find those suited or adaptable to the user's unique needs.

The copyright for CONQUEST 2.0 is held by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). AHCPR makes CONQUEST 2.0 available under the following conditions:

If you accept these conditions, you may use CONQUEST 2.0.


  1. The content of these databases does not imply any recommendation concerning the practice of medicine. Decisions to use services and expectations concerning the health outcomes that are achievable must always be made by a responsible clinician in light of a patient's individual circumstances. Medical science advances frequently; before users measure clinical performance, clinicians should evaluate whether the measures proposed are still current and appropriate for their setting of care. Once adapted, measures should be retested for reliability and validity.
  2. CONQUEST is provided "as is." Best efforts have been used to ensure that the data contained in CONQUEST are correct, but make no claims or representations regarding the correctness or completeness of the data.

For further information about copyright or to request copyright permission, contact:

Marge Keyes, MA
Project Officer
540 Gaither Road, Suite 2000
Rockville, MD  20850
Phone: (301) 427-1333
Fax: (301) 427-1341

Current as of March 1999

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