Choose a region below to view analysis

Mesoanalysis Sector #1
SDF 10/15/04 10 UTC
UL=42.18,-92.73 LR=34.18,-78.73

Mesoanalysis Sector #2
ATL 10/15/04 10 UTC
UL=37.65,-91.42 LR=29.65,-77.42

Mesoanalysis Sector #3
TPA 10/15/04 10 UTC
UL=31.97,-89.53 LR=23.97,-75.53

UPDATE 04/15/04
Looping has been added to all graphics for all sectors. Click on the individual graphics within each sector's main page to load a loop of that particular graphic. As sectors change, some loop frames may not match. Mismatched frames can be turned off.

Latitude and longitude pairs are now included under the sector thumnails on the left. These can be used In APRS applications. The upper left and lower right coordinates of each sector are listed. These coordinates are only valid for the parameter maps. They will not work on radar, satellite, warning, or surface observations maps as those maps have different projections. Please check values carefully and contact Greg Carbin if errors are noted.

SPC Activity Chart, showing a 1 hour radar loop, the current Day1 convective outlook, and all active watches.
Updated every 15 minutes.
Welcome to the Storm Prediction Center's Hourly Mesoscale Analysis page. This page features numerous technical fields and parameters that are commonly used at the SPC to determine the potential for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. Many of the fields have been documented in AMS, NWA, and NWS publications. Others are currently being evaluated and tested for their utility.

The SPC runs a 2-pass Barnes surface objective analysis around :05 after each hour, using the latest RUC forecast as a first guess. Next, the surface data is merged with the latest RUC forecast upper-air data to represent the best 3-dimensional current objective analysis available (CUROA). Finally, each gridpoint is ingested into a sounding analysis rountine called NSHARP to calculate well over 100 new fields. The CUROA scheme was described in detail in the following article:
Bothwell, P.D., J.A. Hart and R.L. Thompson, 2002: An integrated three-dimensional objective analysis scheme in use at the Storm Prediction Center. Preprints, 21st Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Antonio, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J117-J120.

The areas depicted on this page will change from day to day, and will generally show regions where the SPC is closely monitoring for severe thunderstorm development. These fields are offered by the SPC to share the latest severe weather forecasting techniques with local forecasters.

Current Day1 Outlook               Current Watches               Current Mesoscale Discussions

The CUROA scheme and methodology was developed and is maintained by Phillip Bothwell.
This page is maintained by John Hart and Richard Thompson.