Field Research Facility
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 Cape Fear
 Sed Mound
 Oregon Inlet

Using the Field Research Facility

Use of the FRF facilities and data by other government agencies, universities, and private companies is encouraged.

Experiments by outside users may be of any time length and take place most any time of the year. Data collected during an experiment are usually made available to users at no charge while use of the FRF's staff and equipment is charged on a cost reimbursable basis. You also get access to the considerable expertise of the FRF staff in conducting successful studies in the nearshore zone. Should you be interested in conducting research at the FRF, the following procedure is suggested.

1) Contact Mr. Carl Miller by phone (252/261-6840 x240) or e-mail to discuss your requirements. Carl is a veteran of many years of innovative nearshore field work and he can be extremely helpful in the planning process. Carl can also help with scheduling and in arranging for a visit to the facility.

2) Once a plan and schedule are established with Mr. Miller, the next step is to send a requesting letter to Dr. William Martin, Assistant Director of the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory.

    This letter should include the following:
    a. description of the experiment
    b. preliminary schedule
    c. what will be provided
    d. services/equipment support from the FRF
    e. a request for a cost estimate
    This letter can be e-mailed to: William Martin, PhD,PE. or mailed to:
    Dr. William Martin
    Engineering Research and Development Center
    Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
    3909 Halls Ferry Road
    Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199

3) Because the FRF is part of the Department of Defense, foreign nationals must get approval prior to visiting. Requests for visit approvals will be submitted to the USACE, Foreign Disclosure Officer (FDO) and/or the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) FDO, depending upon the circumstances of the visit. The procedure does take time but approval is usually a formality. All foreign visit requests, including public domain and group tours, must go through the ERDC Foreign Disclosure Office. Foreign visitors’ representing their countries, i.e., military or civilians employed by their government, must first contact their military attache’ at their embassy in Washington, D.C. to submit a visit request. All foreign visitors, not associated with a foreign government agency, may contact the ERDC FDO, FRF point of contact, and/or Linda McGowan, 601-634-2776, or Teresa Johnson, 601-634-2626, at the ERDC Security Office, for support in submitting their visit requests. Requests must be submitted, at a minimum, 30 days prior to the proposed visit.

Because the FRF is located in a resort area, there are many hotels and rental houses available. Costs are higher during summer season when visitation peaks. Click here for a list of rental agencies and hotels near the FRF and directions on how to get here.