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Continuing Development for Executives at FEI
animated star Key Results
animated star Leadership Competencies
animated star Who Should Attend
animated star Schedule and Cost
Leadership Competencies emphasized in this seminar
Conflict Management
Continual Learning
External Awareness
Interpersonal Skills
Leveraging Diversity
Oral Communication
Team Building
The ABCs of Effective Relationships
Using Common Sense Tools in Common Practice to Align Your Words and Actions for Effective Leadership

Each leader's day includes a wide range of leadership challenges that, while they seem to be diverse, have one thing in common: They require that leaders—with compassion and sensitivity&#8212communicate effectively, face-to-face, with another person. Now research focusing on tens of thousands of public and private sector leaders has generated common sense tools to help leaders and managers interact with others. The ABCs of Effective Relationships is rooted in the simple power and elegance of an Awareness of our Behavior and its Consequences—our ABCs:

  • Awareness is increased by using data collected from a unique, nonanonymous, 360-degree assessment
  • Behavior is developed by reviewing tapes of your interactions in real-world cases and role plays
  • Consequences of many important back-home interactions are planned for and monitored using a simple tool called The Behavior Minder™

Prepare for this workshop by distributing 360-degree assessment surveys to colleagues. Class time is highly interactive and experiential, featuring a lively mix of discussion, small group exercises, and videotape reviews.

Key Results

  • Build a framework for monitoring daily interactions at work through The Behavior Minder™
  • Identify the behavioral tools you currently use effectively
  • Identify the behavioral tools you need to sharpen
  • Increase the flexibility and range of behavioral tools you now use
  • Build trust and learn to handle emotionally charged situations
  • Put together and implement an effective behavioral game plan

Program Leader(s)

Irv Rubin is the president of a training and development organization that works with public and private sector organizations in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. His Ph.D. is from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Who Should Attend

Senior Executive Service members and GS-15s (or equivalent in other pay systems).

Special Note: Special FY2005 Offer: Sign up for Power Thinking for Leaders from April 4th through April 5th and The ABCs of Effective Relationships from April 6th through April 8th for $3,285.

Schedule and Cost

Start/Stop times: Check in from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Wednesday. Join us for lunch at noon and the opening session at 1:15 p.m. Have lunch in the dining room or pick up a bag lunch at 12 noon Friday following the final session.

Course includes meals, lodging, tuition and course materials

Dates Location Cost      
Apr 6 - Apr 8, 05 FEI $2,155.00   Apply
Program M509


Course Offered At FEI

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FEI: The Federal Executive Institute in Charllottesville, Virginia EMDC: The Executive Management Development Center in Shepherdstown, WV The Western Management Development Center in Denver, CO
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