Take Pride in America Restoring Public Lands Through Volunteerism |
The new Take Pride in America program is recruiting more volunteers to work on projects that will improve our public lands. This program plans to double the 200,000 volunteers who are already at work on our public lands. Americans love their parks, refuges, recreation areas, and other historic and natural treasures, but lacked a national organization dedicated to empowering volunteers to improve public places in every corner of the country.
To fill that demand, Secretary Norton reintroduced the Take Pride in America program in April 2003 as a component of the USA Freedom Corps. This program encourages citizen stewardship by working in partnership with other federal, state and local governments, community, civic and youth organization, conservation groups and corporations. Outstanding volunteer efforts are recognized through a variety of awards, including USA Freedom Corps awards for hours of service, annual awards for outstanding projects and events, and recognition of special national efforts of partner groups.
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