Division of Cancer Biology Home Page Office of the Director Cancer Cell Biology Branch Cancer Etiology Branch Cancer Immunology and Hematology Branch DNA and Chromosome Aberrations Branch Structural Biology and Molecular Applications Branch Tumor Biology and Metastasis Branch
DCB Contact Information by Research Interest

The keywords listed below are presented in the context of cancer biology, cancer immunology, cancer virology, chemical and physical carcinogenesis, or radiation effects research. Their purpose is to assist applicants and potential applicants for research (and SBIR) support in locating the appropriate DCB staff member to contact for information and assistance.

 Contacts by Research Interest
Research Interest (Click to Sort)Contact (Click to Sort)
AIDS LymphomaHowcroft, Kevin
AIDS-Associated MalignanciesRead-Connole, Elizabeth
AntiestrogensSathyamoorthy, Neeraja
AntiprogestinsSathyamoorthy, Neeraja
Apoptosis/Cell BiologySpalholz, Barbara
Apoptosis/DNA VirusesWong, May
Apoptosis/ImmunologyMufson, R. Allan
Apoptosis/RadiationPelroy, Richard
Biological CarcinogenesisGruber, Jack
Biological Carcinogenesis/BacterialDaschner, Phillip J.
Bone Marrow MicroenvironmentMcCarthy, Susan
Bone Marrow TransplantationMcCarthy, Susan
Cancer Chromosome AberrationsOkano, Paul
Cancer EtiologyGruber, Jack
Cancer Etiology/ViralGruber, Jack
Cancer Vaccines/Non-viralMcCarthy, Susan
Cancer Vaccines/RNA & Hepatitis VirusesCole III, John
Cancer Vaccines/ViralGruber, Jack
Carcinogenesis/Genomic Instability/RadiationPelroy, Richard
Carcinogenic AgentsPoland, Alan P.
Cell Cycle RegulationSpalholz, Barbara
Chemical CarcinogenesisPoland, Alan P.
Chemical CarcinogenesisLongfellow, David
Chemical Carcinogenesis AgentsPoland, Alan P.
Chemical Carcinogenesis/ Tumor PromotionPoland, Alan P.
Chemical Carcinogenesis/Chemical SynthesisLongfellow, David
Chemical Carcinogenesis/DNA AdductsOkano, Paul
Chemical Carcinogenesis/DNA RepairOkano, Paul
Chemical Carcinogenesis/EnvironmentalLongfellow, David
Chemical Carcinogenesis/Enzyme RegulationLongfellow, David
Chemical Carcinogenesis/MechanismsYang, Shen
Chemical Carcinogenesis/MetabolismLongfellow, David
ChromatinMietz, Judy
Combinatorial ChemistryKnowlton, Randy
Cytokine Signal TransductionMufson, R. Allan
Cytokines and Receptors/ImmunologyMcCarthy, Susan
Cytoskeleton/Tumor BiologyMohla, Suresh
Databases/Data EnvironmentsCouch, Jennifer
DNA Damage/RadiationPelroy, Richard
DNA Damage/Signal TransductionPelroy, Richard
DNA Repair/RadiationPelroy, Richard
DNA ReplicationSpalholz, Barbara
DNA Tumor VirusesWong, May
Dose Reconstruction/RadiationWachholz, Bruce
EndocrinologySathyamoorthy, Neeraja
EpigeneticsOkano, Paul
Epstein-Barr VirusWong, May
Extracellular MatrixMohla, Suresh
Functional GenomicsGallahan, Daniel
Gene CloningGallahan, Daniel
Gene Expression/RadiationPelroy, Richard
Gene Expression/Regulatory MechanismsMietz, Judy
Genetic Models for CancerMietz, Judy
Genome MappingGallahan, Daniel
Genome ResourcesGallahan, Daniel
Genomic InstabilityPelroy, Richard
GlycobiologySathyamoorthy, Neeraja
Graft-vs-Host DiseaseMcCarthy, Susan
Graft-vs-Leukemia EffectMcCarthy, Susan
Growth Factors/Receptors/MetastasisAult, Grace
HelicobactorDaschner, Phillip J.
Hepatitis Viruses/Hepatocellular CarcinomaCole III, John
Hormonal CarcinogenesisLongfellow, David
Human Herpes Virus 8Read-Connole, Elizabeth
Human Immunodeficiency VirusesRead-Connole, Elizabeth
Immunodeficiency and CancerHowcroft, Kevin
Immunodeficiency and CancerMufson, R. Allan
Immunology/CellularMcCarthy, Susan
Immunology/MolecularMcCarthy, Susan
Ionizing RadiationPelroy, Richard
Kaposi's SarcomaRead-Connole, Elizabeth
Leucocyte/Lymphocyte Function/LymphomagenesisMufson, R. Allan
Leucocyte/Lymphocyte Function/LymphomagenesisHowcroft, Kevin
LeukemogenesisMufson, R. Allan
Membrane BiologyMohla, Suresh
MetastasisMohla, Suresh
Molecular ImagingKnowlton, Randy
Molecular VaccinesCole III, John
Mouse Models of Human Cancers ConsoritumMarks, Cheryl
NanotechnologyGallahan, Daniel
Natural Killer CellsHowcroft, Kevin
Oncogenes/Cellular/HematopoieticMufson, R. Allan
Oncogenes/Non ViralGallahan, Daniel
Oncogenes/ViralCole III, John
Oxygen RadicalsOkano, Paul
PapillomavirusWong, May
Positional CloningGallahan, Daniel
Protease BiologyAult, Grace
Protease/MetastasisMohla, Suresh
Protein TraffickingSpalholz, Barbara
Radiation/ApoptosisPelroy, Richard
Radiation/Belarus/UkraineWachholz, Bruce
Radiation/CarcinogenesisPelroy, Richard
Radiation/DNA DamagePelroy, Richard
Radiation/Dose ReconstructionWachholz, Bruce
Radiation/Gene ExpressionPelroy, Richard
Radiation/GenotoxicityPelroy, Richard
Radiation/IonizingPelroy, Richard
Radiation/UltravioletPelroy, Richard
RetrovirusesCole III, John
SBIRHeath, Anne
Signal Transduction/Tumor Cell BiologySpalholz, Barbara
Special Activities/Biological ResourcesDaschner, Phillip J.
Stem Cell Biology/ImmunologyMufson, R. Allan
Steroid Hormones Gene ExpressionSathyamoorthy, Neeraja
Steroid Hormones/ReceptorsSathyamoorthy, Neeraja
Stromal Cell Biology/ImmunologyMufson, R. Allan
Stromal Cell Biology/Solid TumorsMohla, Suresh
Stromal-Epithelial InteractionsMohla, Suresh
Structural BiologyKnowlton, Randy
Tobacco CarcinogenesisPoland, Alan P.
Transcription FactorsMietz, Judy
Tumor AntigensMcCarthy, Susan
Tumor ProgressionMohla, Suresh
Tumor PromotionPoland, Alan P.
Tumor SuppressorsGallahan, Daniel
Tumor SuppressorsGallahan, Daniel
Tumor Suppressors/DNA Virus InteractionsWong, May
Tumor Suppressors/RNA Virus InteractionsCole III, John
Ultraviolet RadiationOkano, Paul
Vaccines/Cancer/Non-ViralMcCarthy, Susan
Vaccines/Cancer/RNA & Hepatitis VirusesCole III, John
Viral Etiology of CancerGruber, Jack
VirologyGruber, Jack
Yeast Model SystemsMietz, Judy
Division of Cancer Biology Home PageThe National Cancer Institute (Cancer.gov)

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