Canada - 7/21/04

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments

Last Updated: 7/21/04


Governor General Clarkson, Adrienne
Prime Minister Martin, Paul
Dep. Prime Min. McLellan, Anne
Min. of Agriculture & Agri-Food Mitchell, Andrew
Min. of Canadian Heritage Frulla, Liza
Min. of Citizenship & Immigration Sgro, Judy
Min. of Environment Dion, Stephane
Min. of Finance Goodale, Ralph
Min. of Fisheries & Oceans Regan, Geoff
Min. of Foreign Affairs Pettigrew, Pierre
Min. of Health Dosanjh, Ujjal
Min. of Human Resources & Skills Development Volpe, Joseph
Min. of Indian Affairs & Northern Development Scott, Andy
Min. of Industry Emerson, David
Min. of Intergovernmental Affairs Robillard, Lucienne
Min. of International Cooperation Carroll, Aileen
Min. of International Trade & Investment Peterson, James Scott
Min. of Justice and Attorney General Cotler, Irwin
Min. of Labor and Housing Fontana, Joseph Frank
Min. of National Defense Graham, William
Min. of National Revenue McCallum, John
Min. of Natural Resources Efford, John
Min. of Public Satey & Emergency Preparedness McLellan, Anne
Min. of Public Works & Government Services Brison, Scott
Min. of Social Development Dryden, Ken
Min. of Transport Lapierre, Jean
Min. of Veterans Affairs Guarnieri, Albina
Min. of Western Economic Diversification Owen, Stephen
Pres., Treasury Board and Min. Responsible for the Wheat Board Alcock, Reg
Privy Council President Robillard, Lucienne
Govt. Leader in the House Valeri, Tony
Govt. Leader in the Senate Austin, Jacob
Governor, Bank of Canada Dodge, David
Ambassador to the US Kergin, Michael
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Rock, Allan

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