Chile - 10/6/04

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments

Last Updated: 10/6/04


President Lagos, Ricardo
Min. of Agriculture Campos Quiroga, Jaime
Min. of Defense Ravinet, Jaime
Min. of Economy & Mining Rodriguez Grossi, Jorge
Min. of Education Bitar, Sergio
Min. of Finance Eyzaguirre Guzman, Nicolas
Min. of Foreign Relations Walker, Ignacio
Min. of Health Garcia, Pedro
Min. of Housing, Urbanism, & Public Lands Tschorne, Sonia
Min. of Interior Insulza, Jose Miguel
Min. of Justice Bates Hidalgo, Luis
Min. of Labor & Social Security Solari Saavedra, Ricardo
Min. of Mining Dulanto, Alfonso
Min. of National Women's Service Perez Diaz, Cecilia
Min. of Planning & Cooperation Palma, Andres
Min. of Public Works, Transportation, & Telecommunications Etcheverry, Javier
Min. Sec. Gen. of Govt. Vidal, Francisco
Min. Sec. Gen. of the Presidency Dockendorff Vallejos, Eduardo
Pres., Central Bank Corbo, Vittorio
Ambassador to the US Bianchi, Andres
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Munoz Valenzuela, Heraldo Benjamin

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