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Aids for Oil Spill Responders

Here are tools and information for people dealing with spills of oil and petroleum products:

Job Aids and Special Presentations

Biological Monitoring


Training Descriptions of upcoming spill response training sessions we will offer.

Other Relevant Sites

Historical Incidents Database Search this database for information about past oil spills, as well as chemical accidents (located on our Incident News website). (webposted 8/10/00)

Incident Command System/Unified Command (ICS/UC) Technical Assistance Document [NRT website; 476K PDF file] A product of the U.S. National Response Team (NRT), this document provides guidance to responders on the Incident Command System (ICS) organizational management concept for emergency response. Originally published in 1996, it has been revised to incorporate the lessons learned and issues identified by NRT member agencies during responses to major incidents since that time. It also includes new ideas to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of responses under the National Response System. (webposted 1/08/03)

ResponseLink A web-based communications system for incident responders. A username and password are required to log in to the system. (webposted 10/02/03)
