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CMS Files for Download for Medicare Payment Systems(formerly PUF Files)


Institutional Providers | Non-Institutional Providers |Utilities/Miscellaneous |

Payment Rates --
Institutional Providers

1998 SNF Wage Index File
1999 SNF Wage Index File
CMS Hospital Wage Index Survey File
Additional Wage Index Information
Hospital Wage Indices File
PPS SSA/FIPS MSA State and County Crosswalk File
Reclassified Hospital by Provider File
CMS Case-Mix Index File
ICD-9 Codes (Diagnostic and Surgical Codes)
PPS - Payment Impact File
PPS Standardizing File
SNF Prospective Payment Rates
Home Health Prospective Payment System
Provider Specific File
AOR/BOR Tables
DRGs Relative Weight File

Payment Rates --
Non-Institutional Providers

Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics/Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Fee Schedule
Ambulatory Surgical Center Base Eligibility File
Physician Fee Schedule Payment Amount File National/Carrier
National Physician Fee Schedule Relative Value File
Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule


Alpha-Numeric HCPCS Files
Zipcode to Carrier Locality File
Berenson-Eggers Type of Service (BETOS) File
PUFs Catalog
How To Download Files

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  Payment Rates -- Institutional Providers

Note: The files in this section are based on either the Final Rule or the Proposed Rule, as published in the Federal Register. This is noted for each file on this page beside the words "Period Available:". Beginning in February thru May, the Proposed Files appear, followed later by the Final Versions in August of September.
  • 1998 SNF Wage Index File
    WISNFFY98.ZIP - 1.1Mb -- 4.1Mb when unzipped/decompressed
    FY 1998 wage and hourly data by provider, used to construct the SNF-specific wage index published in the May 10, 2001 proposed rule. Browse the record layouts of the SNF Wage Index Form 2540 and Form 2552 for 1998.
    ==>Period Available: Final - FY1998
  • 1999 SNF Wage Index File
    WISNFFY99.ZIP - 1.1Mb -- 3.8Mb when unzipped/decompressed
    FY 1998 wage and hourly data by provider, used to construct the SNF-specific wage index published in the May 10, 2001 proposed rule. Browse the record layouts of the SNF Wage Index Form 2540 and Form 2552 for 1999.
    ==>Period Available: Final - FY1999
  • CMS Hospital Wage Index Survey File

    Important: The most current file will now be posted on the Hospital Inpatient PPS Area Wage and Case Mix Indices Website on

    WAGDTP03.ZIP - 3.3MB -- 11MB when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    The hospital hours and salaries for FY1999 used to create the wage indices used in the Medicare Hospital Prospective Payment System (PPS).
    Browse or download the record layout in RTF - rich text zipped format.
    ==>Period Available: Proposed - FY 2003 PPS Update - updated 1/11/2002
  • Additional Wage Index Information

    This file is comprised of Average Hourly Wages from FY 1998 to FY 1999 Data; by Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Statewide Rural Areas. These files compare area average hourly wages for hospitals in each area using FY 1999 wage data compared to FY 1998 wage data (which was used to calculate the FY 2002 wage index). The calculations used to compute the average hourly wages are based on the policies employed to calculate the FY 2002 wage index.

    Read More and download the file HERE.

    Updated: January 22, 2002
  • Hospital Wage Indices File

    Important: The most current file will now be posted on the Hospital Inpatient PPS Area Wage and Case Mix Indices Website on

    HWAGF02.ZIP - 92K -- 405K when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    A history of all wage indices used since October 1, 1983.
    Browse/download the record layout in PDF (3Kb).
    ==>Period available: FINAL FY 2002 PPS Update
  • PPS SSA/FIPS MSA State and County Crosswalk File
    MSBEAF02.ZIP -- 495K when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    A crosswalk of state and county codes used by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), county name and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
    Browse or download the record layout in text zipped version 2Kb.
    ==>Period Available: Final FY 2002 PPS Update
  • Reclassified Hospital by Provider File
    RECLSF02.ZIP -- 395K when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    Important: The most current file will now be posted on the Medicare Payment System Files Website on

    Download includes a file of hospitals that were reclassified for the purpose of assigning a new wage index. Additionally, a file listing provider names and numbers and MSA numbers and locations for all reclassified hospitals is included.
    Browse the record layout in TEXT zipped version (105Kb).
    ==>Period Available: FINAL FY 2002 PPS Update - reposted 9/24/2001
  • CMS Case-Mix Index File

    Important: The most current file will now be posted on the Hospital Inpatient PPS Area Wage and Case Mix Indices Website on

    CMIPFY02.ZIP - 149K -- 535K when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    This file contains the Medicare case-mix index by provider number as published in each years update of the Medicare Hospital Prospective Payment System (PPS). The case-mix index is a measure of the costliness of cases treated by a hospital relative to the cost of the national average of all Medicare hospital cases, using Diagnosis-Related Group(DRG) weights as a measure of relative costliness of cases. Reposted: Final Rule August, 2001
    ==>Period Available: Final FY 2002
  • ICD 9 Codes
    • Actual Diagostic and Surgical Codes used for Version 22 - Effective October 1, 2004
    • Actual Diagnostic and Surgical Codes used for Version 21 - Effective October 1, 2003
    • Actual Diagnostic and Surgical Codes used for Version 20 - Effective October 1, 2002

    • ICD9V19.ZIP - 220K -- 670K when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
      There are four associated files, each comes with an abbreviated narrative description: Addendum and coding manual: ==>Period available: FY 2002 PPS Update
  • Prospective Payment System (PPS) - Payment Impact File
    IMPCTF02.ZIP - 650K -- 2.5Mb when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    This file contains data used to estimate FY2002 payments under Medicare's PPS for operating and capital. The data are taken from various sources, including the Provider Specific file, the PPS-XIV and PPS-XV Minimum Datasets, and prior impact files. The dataset is abstracted from an internal file used for the impact analysis of the changes to PPS published in the Federal Register. This file is available for release one month after the PPS Proposed and Final Rules are published in the Federal Register, which generally occurs during April (Proposed) and August (Final).
    Browse the record layout in Rich Text Format zipped version (9Kb).
    ==>Period Available: Final FY 2002 PPS Update - replaced 9/14/2001
  • Prospective Payment System (PPS) Standardizing File
    PPSTNF02.ZIP - 94K -- 288K when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    This file contains information that standardizes the charges used to calculate relative weights to determine payments under PPS. Variables include wage index, Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) case mix index, disproportionate share and the Metraopolitan Statistical Area (MSA). A new file is created for each Notice of Proposed Ruling (NPR) and the Final Rule. The records are in provider number sequence; it is possible to have missing values in some records.
    Browse the record layout in TEXT zipped format (869 bytes).
    ==>Period Available: Final FY 2002 PPS Update
  • SNF Prospective Payment Rates
    SNFPPS98.ZIP -- 2.5MB when decompressed)
    This file contains cost, statistical, and other data used in establishing the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), prospective payment rates, that were published in the Federal Register on May 14, 1998, for cost reporting periods beginning on or after July 1, 1998. The cost and statistical data were obtained from the hospital-based SNFs and Freestanding SNFs (Forms 2552, 2540, & 2540S). This file also contains the standardization factors and case-mix correction factors.
    Browse the record layout in PDF 20Kb).
    ==>Period Available: July 1, 1998
  • Home Health Prospective Payment System
    HHAPPS00.ZIP - 410K -- 1.4 Mb when decompressed - Requires UNZIP software
    The files included under this section were used in the development of the Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) for which the Final Rule was published in the Federal Register on June 29, 2000. The audited cost report file contains audited cost reports for sample agencies with cost reporting periods ending in fiscal year 1997. The provider level utilization file, derived from National Claims History (NCH) data and combined with wage index value data, contains visit totals for the 6 disciplines (skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language therapy, medical social, and home health aide) as well as the total number of episodes (for both episodes with less than or equal to 4 visits and for episodes with greater than 4 visits) aggregated to the provider level. The 178-code HCPC file contains the 178 procedure codes identified as non-routine medical supply codes that could be unbundled and billed under Part B. The 54-code HCPC file contains the 54 procedure codes identified as either physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech pathology codes that could be unbundled and billed under Part B physician/supplier. When utilized in a manner similar to that described in the Final Rule, these files can help interested parties in their understanding and analysis of this proposed system.

    File descriptions/record layouts:

    File Description
    Sample Home Health Audited Cost Report Description and Record Layout
    Home Health Agency Provider Level Description and Record Layout
    178 Procedure Code List File Description and Record Layout
    54 Procedure Code List File Description and Record Layout
    ==>Period Available: Rates Effective October 1, 2000
  • Provider Specific File
  • After Outlier Removed/Before Outlier Removed(AOR/BOR) Tables
    AOBORF02.ZIP - 170K -- 443K when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    This file contains data used to develop the Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) relative weights. It contains mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation and coefficient of variation statistics by DRG for length of stay and standardized charges. The BOR tables are "Before Outliers Removed" and the AOR is "After Outliers Removed". (Statistical outliers, not payment outliers.)
    Browse the record layout in TEXT zipped format (681 bytes).
    Period available: Final FY 2002 PPS Update
  • DRGs Relative Weight File
    RELWTF02.ZIP - 46K -- 112K when decompressed - Requires WinZIP software
    The file is a listing of DRGs narrative description, relative weight, geometric mean, length of stay, and day outlier trim points. This table is published in the Federal Register as part of the Prospective Payment System Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) and the Final Notice.
    Browse the record layout in TEXT zipped format (16Kb).
    ==>Period Available: Final FY 2002 PPS

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  Payment Rates -- Non-Institutional Providers

  •   Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics/Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Fee Schedule
    d04_Jand.ZIP 1.8 MB -- Revised for the October 2004 release. The revision includes the changes identified in CR3377, R272CP. -- Requires UNZIP software
    d04_Janc.ZIP 1.8 MB -- Revised for the July 2004 release. The revision includes the changes identified in CR3253, R171CP. -- Requires UNZIP software
    d04_Janb.ZIP 1.8 MB -- Revised for the April 2004 release. The revision includes the changes identified in CR3014, R58CP. -- Requires UNZIP software

    d04_Jan.ZIP 1.8 MB -- Revised 12/10/2003 in accordance with Section 302(c) of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) -- Requires UNZIP software
    d03_Jan_d.ZIP 1.6 MB -- Requires UNZIP software - Revised August 2003 to include the revisions resulting from the October Quarterly Update (Reference AB-03-100 - adobe pdf 152Kb).
    d03_Jan_c.ZIP 1.8 MB -- Requires UNZIP software - Revised 6/04/03 to include the revisions resulting from the July Quarterly Update (Reference AB-03-071).
    d03_Jan_b.ZIP 1.6 MB -- Requires UNZIP software - Revised 2/21/03 to include the revisions resulting from the April Quarterly Update (Reference AB-03-006).
    d03_Jan_r.ZIP 1.6 MB -- Requires UNZIP software - Revised 12/13/02 to include the prices for new 2003 codes developed through the gap filling process.
    d02Jan_d.ZIP 1.54 MB -- 14.6 MB after decompression -- Revised October 2002 -- Requires UNZIP software
    d02Jan_c.ZIP 1.6MB -- 14MB after decompression -- Revised July 2002 -- Requires UNZIP software
    d02Jan_a.ZIP 1.6MB -- 14MB after decompression -- Revised Dec 18, 2001 as effective from 1/1/2002 thru 12/31/2002 (2/22/02 file layout added) -- Requires UNZIP software - 1.6MB -- 14MB after decompression -- Revised June 1, 2001 as effective from 1/1/2001 thru 6/30/2001 -- Requires UNZIP software - 1.6MB -- 14MB after decompression -- Revised June 1, 2001 as effective from 7/1/2001 thru 12/31/2001 -- Requires UNZIP software - 1.6MB -- 14MB after decompression -- Revised December 19, 2000 -- Requires UNZIP software
    DME00_C.ZIP - 1.6MB -- 14MB after decompression -- Revised July 26, 2000 -- Requires UNZIP software
    DME00_B.ZIP - 1.6MB -- 14MB after decompression -- Revised March 3, 2000 -- Requires UNZIP software
    DME99_C.ZIP - 1.36MB -- 12.9MB after decompression -- Revised August 4, 1999 -- Requires UNZIP software - 2MB after decompression

    This file contains the fee schedule amounts, floors, and ceilings for all procedure codes subject to the DMEPOS fee schedule payment methodology. In addition, this file provides the DMEPOS payment category, jurisdiction, and short description assigned to each procedure code. Medicare carriers and fiscal intermediaries use the DMEPOS fee schedule to price Medicare DMEPOS claims.
  • Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Base Eligibility File
    ASCPUF2004.ZIP - 13K -- 229K after decompression -- Requires UNZIP software ASCPUF2003.ZIP - 13K -- 229K after decompression -- Requires UNZIP software
    ASCPUF2002.ZIP - 10K -- 42K after decompression -- Requires UNZIP software
    ASCPUF01.ZIP - 9K -- 33K after decompression -- Requires UNZIP software
    ASCPUF00.ZIP - 25K -- 30K after decompression -- Requires UNZIP software

    This file contains the procedure codes which may be performed in an ASC under the Medicare program as well as the ASC payment group assigned to each of the procedure codes. The ASC payment group determines the amount that Medicare pays for facility services furnished in connection with a covered procedure.
    Note: This file contains material copyrighted by the American Medical Association.
    <==>Periods available:
    • CY 2002 (ASCPUF02.ZIP)
    • CY 2001 (ASCPUF01.ZIP)
    • CY 2000 (ASCPUF00.ZIP)
  • Physician Fee Schedule Payment Amount File National/Carrier

    PLEASE NOTE: The significant size of the Physician Fee Schedule Payment Amount File-National requires that database programs (e.g., Access, dBase, FoxPro, Paradox, etc.) be used to read these data. Wordprocessing and spreadsheet programs cannot be used. The database programs noted above will also be required to read some versions of the Physician Fee Schedule Payment Amount File Carrier-Specific. Please note the size of your downloaded file to determine the appropriate method for reading the data. For small data request, the Physician Look-up tool is available.

    PFREV04D.ZIP (106Kb) -- October 2004 revision file -- The revision includes the changes identified in CR3415. While CR3415 has been released, it has not yet been posted on the internet.

    PFREV04C.ZIP (52Kb) -- July 2004 revision file -- The revision includes the changes identified in CR 3286, R173CP (adobe pdf 76Kb).

    PFREV04B.ZIP (36Kb) -- April 2004 revision file -- The revision includes the changes identified in CR 3128, R105CP (adobe pdf 263Kb).

    PFALL04A.ZIP (6,920Kb) -- Revised 12/24/2003 in accordance with provisions of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA). Please note that there have been changes to the fee schedule formula (PF04PC.doc).

    PFREV03D.ZIP (21Kb) - October 2003 revision file -- This revision includes the changes identified in PM AB-03-119 (adobe pdf 176Kb).

    PFREV03C.ZIP (45Kb) - July 2003 revision file -- This revision includes the changes identified in PM AB-03-070 (adobe pdf 160Kb).

    PFALL03a.ZIP (6,920Kb) -- Revised 2/28/2003 --

    IMPORTANT NOTICE - Since the publication of the final regulation was delayed past November 1, 2002, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will not implement the 2003 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) until March 1, 2003. Accordingly, Medicare physician/practitioner claims for services in January and February, 2003, processed before March 1, 2003, will be paid at the 2002 Physician Fee Schedule rates.

    PF02_d.ZIP (54KB) - October 2002 Revision
    PF02_c.ZIP (23KB)
    PF02_b.ZIP (41KB)
    PFALL02a.ZIP (6.8MB)
    PF01_b.ZIP (58KB)
    PF01_c.ZIP (34KB)
    PF01_d.ZIP (32KB)
    PFALL01A.ZIP 6.3MB -- 45MB after decompression -- Requires UNZIP software
    PFALL00A.ZIP 6.1MB -- 45MB after decompression -- Requires UNZIP software
    PFALL99A.ZIP 6.3MB -- 50MB after decompression -- Requires UNZIP software
    PFALL98A.ZIP 6.1MB -- 46MB after decompression
    This file contains the full fee schedule amount for all services paid for under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and the fee schedule amount for those services subject to the site of service differential. Medicare carriers use the Physician Fee Schedule to price claims for physician services under Medicare.
    Note: These files contain material copyrighted by the American Medical Association.

    The files for years 1992 through 1997 are not available.
    ==> Periods available:
    January 2004 release (PFALL04A.ZIP)
    March 2003 release (PFALL03A.ZIP)
    January 2002 release (PFALL02A.ZIP)
    January 2001 release (PFALL01A.ZIP)
    January 2000 release (PFALL00A.ZIP)
    January 1999 release (PFALL99A.ZIP)
    January 1998 release (PFALL98A.ZIP)
    December 19, 1997 revision file (PFREV98A.ZIP)
    March 12, 1998 revision file (PFREV98B.ZIP)
    May 26, 1998 revision file (PFREV98C.ZIP)
    September 2, 1998 revision file (PFREV98D.ZIP)
  • National Physician Fee Schedule Relative Value File
    RVU04_D.ZIP 1.6MB zip file -- Requires UNZIP software -- October 2004 revision file -- The revision includes the changes identified in CR3415. While CR3415 has been released, it has not yet been posted on the internet.

    RVU04_C.ZIP 1.5MB zip file -- Requires UNZIP software -- July 2004 revision file -- The revision includes the changes identified in CR3286, R173CP (adobe pdf 76Kb).

    RVU04_B.ZIP 1.3MB zip file -- Requires UNZIP software -- April 2004 revision file -- The revision includes the changes identified in CR3128, R105CP (adobe pdf 263Kb).

    RVU04_A.ZIP 1.5MB zip file -- Requires UNZIP software -- -Revised 1/14/2004 to resolve truncation of large PE RVUs for 20982 and 22520. Please note that the file layout has been changed to accommodate RVUs greater than 99. Revised 12/24/2003 in accordance with provisions of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA). Please note that there have been changes to the fee schedule formula; please reference the file's documentation (.doc file)

    RVU03_D.ZIP 1.5MB zip file -- Requires UNZIP software -- Revised October 2003
    This revision includes the changes identified in PM AB-03-119 (adobe pdf 176Kb).
    RVU03_C.ZIP 1.5MB zip file -- Requires UNZIP software -- Revised July 2003
    This revision includes the changes identified in PM AB-03-070 (adobe pdf 160Kb).
    RVU03_A.ZIP 1.5MB zip file -- Revised 2/28/2003 -- Requires UNZIP software
    IMPORTANT NOTICE - Since the publication of the final regulation was delayed past November 1, 2002, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will not implement the 2003 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) until March 1, 2003. Accordingly, Medicare physician/practitioner claims for services in January and February, 2003, processed before March 1, 2003, will be paid at the 2002 Physician Fee Schedule rates.

    RVU02_D.ZIP 1.34MB zip file -- Revised October, 2002 -- Requires UNZIP software
    RVU02_C.ZIP 1.4MB zip file -- Revised July, 2002 -- Requires UNZIP software
    RVU02_B.ZIP 1.5MB zip file -- The file contains the following changes: (a) revisions be implemented 4/1/2002, (b) inclusion of anesthesia conversion factors, inclusion of physician diagnostic supervision indicator. -- Requires UNZIP software
    RVU02_A.ZIP 8.1MB after decompression -- Posted January 28, 2002 -- Requires UNZIP software

    RVU01_D.ZIP 8.1MB after decompression -- Posted September 14, 2001 -- Requires UNZIP software

    RVU00_B.ZIP 1.7MB -- 7.8MB after decompression -- Posted March 7, 2000
    RVU00_B.ZIP 1.7MB -- 7.8MB after decompression -- Posted March 7, 2000 -- Requires UNZIP software

    RVU99_C.ZIP 1.7MB -- 8.25MB after decompression -- Revised August 4, 1999
    RVU99_C.ZIP 1.7MB -- 8.25MB after decompression -- Revised August 4, 1999 -- Requires UNZIP software

    RVU98_D.ZIP 1.4MB -- 7MB after decompression
    This file contains the relative value units, status indicators, and payment policy indicators for procedure codes and procedure/modifier code combinations subject to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. A separate file containing the geographic practice cost indices (GPCIs) is also provided.
    Note: This file contains material copyrighted by the American Medical Association.
    The files for years 1992 through 1997 are not available.
    ==>Periods available:
    • October release (RVU04_D.ZIP)
    • July release (RVU04_C.ZIP)
    • April release (RVU04_B.ZIP)
    • December release (RVU04_A.ZIP)
    • October 2003 release (RVU03_D.ZIP)
    • July 2003 release (RVU03_C.ZIP)
      2003 release (RVU03_A.ZIP)
    • 2002 release (RVU02_A.ZIP)
    • 2001 release (RVU01_D.ZIP)
    • 2000 release (RVU00_B.ZIP)
    • 1999 release (RVU99_C.ZIP)
    • 1998 release (RVU98_D.ZIP)
  • Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule
    CLAB2004.ZIP 1.6MB -- 7.8MB after decompression - Revised 12/10/2003 in accordance Section 628 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) -- Requires UNZIP software
    03CLAB.ZIP 1.6MB -- 7.8MB after decompression - November 18, 2002 - Requires UNZIP software
    02CLAB.ZIP 1.6MB -- 7.8MB after decompression - Revised December 5, 2001 - Requires UNZIP software
    01CLAB.ZIP 1.6MB -- 7.8MB after decompression - April 2001 release -- Requires UNZIP software
    01CLPUF.ZIP 1.6MB -- 7.8MB after decompression - January 2001 release -- Requires UNZIP software
    This file contains the carrier-wide pricing amounts and national limitation amounts for all procedure codes subject to the Clinical Lab fee schedule payment methodology. Medicare carriers and fiscal intermediaries use the Clinical Lab fee schedule to price Medicare clinical lab claims.
    Note: This file contains material copyrighted by the American Medical Association.
    ==>Periods available:
    • 2004 Release (CLAB2004.ZIP)
    • 2003 Release (03CLAB.ZIP)
    • 2002 Release (02CLAB.ZIP)
    • 2001 Release (01CLAB.ZIP)

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  • Alpha-Numeric HCPCS Files - revised 7/12/04
    These files contain the Level II alpha-numeric HCPCS procedure and modifier codes, their long and short descriptions, and applicable Medicare administrative, coverage, and pricing data. These codes, which are established by CMS’s Alpha-Numeric Editorial Panel, primarily represent items and supplies and nonphysician services not covered by the American Medical Association’s CPT-4 codes. The files do not contain the American Medical Association’s CPT-4 codes. CPT-4 codes can be purchased from the American Medical Association at 1-800-621-8335.
    ==> Periods available:
    • 2004 (Revised 7/12/04) (04ANWEB.ZIP)
    • 2004 (Revised 12/22/03) (ANHCPC04_v2.ZIP)
    • 2004 (ANHCPC04.ZIP)
    • 2003 (ANHCPC03.ZIP)
    • 2002 (ANHCPC02.ZIP)
    This file is primarily intended to map ZIP Codes to CMS carriers and localities. This file will also map Zip Codes to their State. In addition, this file contains an urban, rural or a low density (qualified) area Zip Code indicator. (Updated October 14, 2004)
  • Berenson-Eggers Type of Service (BETOS) File
    BETPUF04.ZIP - 43Kb -- Requires UNZIP software
    BETPUF03.ZIP - 38Kb -- Requires UNZIP software
    BETPUF02.ZIP - 37Kb -- Requires UNZIP software
    BETPUF01.ZIP - 38Kb -- Requires UNZIP software
    Note: This file contains material copyrighted by the American Medical Association.
    ==>Periods available:
    • CY 2004 (BETPUF04.ZIP)
    • CY 2003 (BETPUF03.ZIP)
    • CY 2002 (BETPUF02.ZIP)
    • CY 2001 (BETPUF01.ZIP)

How to Download Files

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PUFs Catalog

The PUFs Catalog has been replaced by the Files for Purchase Directory ( on our new Website.

Institutional Providers | Non-Institutional Providers |Utilities/Miscellaneous |
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Last Modified on Thursday, October 14, 2004